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Adopt A Digimon

Welcome! I hope you enjoy this section of site. Here you will find all the digimon you can adopt, you can also adopt as may digimon as you like ^_^. Remember you dont have to like digimon to adopt from here! :: Here are a few rules for you to go over, once you read them feel free to go and visit the adoptions links below.:: You must read all of this and respect it at all times... -You must never ever ever remove the "Esse" tag off the picture and claim it your own (you do, you die :|) -Do not modify your digimon once you adopted him, in other words, don't draw on the picture -Link it back to this site so people know where you adopted the digimon, you don't have to link to me with a button, just link with the digimon's picture or a text link -If you're only motive to adopt on my site is for advertising, I will remove your name and site from all the lists. My site can help advertise your site, but you have to keep your end of the bargain and to at least display the digimon you adopt. -Do not request a digimon from me if my line is closed...I hate that. After you understood all of that, save the digimon to your files and send me the email with the info.That's all for now! Ciao! ~EsSe~ P.S. I know you might be thinking, digimon? a stupid kids show!! and blah blah blah, but I take alot of time and effort in all my pictures and in this site. So if your only reason here si to crisisize my art work than this isint the place for you and leave. ~Esse

Absymon, Alambromon, Amphitilomon
Asharimon, Atlantimon, Automon
Avalenmon, Batmon, Bidionmon