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Recreate Me

3 Fav. things

Fuck tart... Friday, May 16th, 2003 Song of the day: We Will Rock You Thinking: Not much. Listening to: Songs, watching weather channel, and listening to what my sister and her boyfriend are talking about with my mom. Now I changed the channel to 25, and there was this Maury show on a girl who was 21, who was cheated on by her boyfriend with her mother. Wow... that sucks. He took a lie dector test, and failed. What a loser, anyways, I have a piano lesson today. Then I'll be late to gymnastics, and Courtney wants me to go out to dinner afterwards. Not in the best mood. I don't know why. I'm still thinking about past tuesday what happened... argh. I do not like my mommie and daddie. I'm gunna go it's now 4:41pm. Write some more later, buhbye.
