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01 The bell shot I should have had!

02 The SARS kid playing outside at JMK.

03 It's Vickie!

04 Squish Vickie!

05 ...and Liz.

06 Push the Oni into the lake.

07 Stupid face.

08 Crowded desü neigh?

09 Plastered Bastard part I.

10 The table is on fire.

11 This wasn't a very good volcano...

14 Pimp.

16 Lean in a little bit more...

18 Money Shot I.

19 Mini-putt Extravaganza.

21 (Movie) Watch his hand...

23 (Movie) Fore.

24 The Guilford delinquents.

25 Arr.

26 Nice ice.

27 Plastered Bastard part II.

28 This was a bad idea...

29 ...a really bad idea...

30 ...ugh.

31 Inside joke.

32 Cups I.

33 Flash attack.

34 Learn to curtsy.

35 This isn't change...

36 Cups II.

37 Hell if I know what's going on.

38 Cups III.

39 Camera-shy.

40 Cups IV.

41 Survivors!

42 The Oni fridge.

43 Chillin'.

44 Another day, spirited away.