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Company's 30 days return policy: If not pleased you can return the undamaged product in original packing and ask for a different assignment. The Membership fee is not refundable.

Electronic Manufacturer is looking for contractors to make their products. No matter where you live you can produce for us by mail. Work from your own home. Parts, Work sample provided. Small product. Send it in small envelope in between pages. We pay for postage both ways by air. Complete them on your kitchen table. Mail in an envelope. We pay $7.50/one, $75/10, $750//100 + Shipping. We pay by CASH on the same day. The nearest mailbox is your office. No red tape! Start today! Your overhead is zero. Complete 4/hour. Anyone can do it from any part of the world. We can sell as many as you can make.

International (Int)
Below are the listings of the latest rules.
(Strictly Enforced)

Send $10 for hardcopy.

I read the article about International in the Hong Kong Financial Journal. I am tremendously impressed with the company, the product and the way they farm out their assembly work is outstanding. I also want to congratulate the fantastic report I read in the Singapore BCB pages. (Same as BBB in US.) Signed: Malish Manik. ELSHK.

Int is 100% honest and proud of it. We do not have a single valid complaint anywhere.


With our Web Page and mailer we DO try to discourage the curious from signing up. Sometimes people just want to see what is this all about and later would try to obtain a refund. We do not offer trials. With this no nonsense policy we end up with the finest contractors, quality people who stay with us for years. Please read below:


Is Int a sure moneymaker? No! It is a gamble, just like anything else.


How about opening an ice cream parlor? It is a gamble.

How about The State Lottery Systems? It could be labeled as an obvious FRAUD. A SCHEME, designed to steal uneducated people’s money. You see the big board on the highway, WIN 95 MILLION! Winning the lottery? Your actual chances are one in 100 million. How minute is that? How tiny is it? It is hard to imagine!

Even if you do win, the state will put the 95 MILLION in a money market where it earns $500.000 interest monthly. Then the state will STEAL half of that and you will receive (maybe) $200,000 monthly for 20 years. That is if you live that long.

The chance that you will lose all the money you spent on the lottery ticket is almost absolutely certain. Why don't you save your losing lottery ticket, simply take it back where you bought it and ask for a REFUND? Why? Simple: you would be laughed out of the county. You indeed received a CHANCE to win. A small one, but you did.

How about the STOCK MARKET?

If someone would intentionally write something negative about a business the entire stock market could be labeled as a FRAUD; a SCHEME to steal your money, unless you are an insider. You invest your hard earned money. Soon you think you struck it rich! You go on vacation and start enjoying your windfall. When you come back you see that you are broke. The sharp insiders screwed you by selling you your stocks at the highest price. The FEDS` stole the rest from you by deliberately knocking the price down. You lost all your profit and most of your original investment. They simply repeat the same every 15 years. They play the same game on new investors. Investors lost about 8 trillion recently.
What are your chances to make money? Maybe 2%.

Why don't you save your losing portfolio transactions, then simply take it to your stockbroker and ask him to reimburse you for your loss? No one does that. Why? Simple, you would be laughed out of the office. That is why. You indeed received a CHANCE to make money. A small CHANCE, but you did.

Contracting with Int? It is a gamble, just the same.
We estimate the chances of you making money with us are small. At least we are 100% honest and tell you in advance! If you are willing to sign up and risk $250, you may make a nice living with this. If not, you invested $250 into assembly lessons. Your soldering skills will improve and some local company may hire you when you show them your skills.

Int has an unblemished reputation and we are very proud of that. We have been in business for 20 years and we are promoting the highest standards of business ethics on the Internet. All this time there has not been a single VALID complaint recorded anywhere. We operate by the BOOK and this is the book. It is strictly enforced.

We are not trying to tell you that we have had no complaints, just that we have had no VALID complaints. We only deal with NAA Members, (National Assemblers Association) and they all have some background in assembling products. We tell everyone in advance that it is a difficult job at the start. There is a percentage of people that will never make money with this.

We agree to make every effort to resolve all LEGITIMATE complaints in a timely manner. Please be sure to contact us in a letter and
not by email
explaining problems if any.

We agree to deliver what we promise and promise only what we can deliver.

Misrepresentations will not be tolerated.

We ensure to the best of our ability that no false statements are made in any document distributed by us.

We spend a considerable amount of money and effort on teaching contractors to assemble properly. We send them ONE FREE SAMPLE, We invest the $250 membership fee strictly in assembly instructions. Therefore, refunds are impossible, as clearly stated on page one of our mailer. Asking for a refund is considered an UNFAIR REQUEST because it represents the untruthfulness and inconsistency of the assembler to the signed agreement for a

Remember, our assembly offer is run under signed work contract. Some of our would be contractors try to cheat us by simply not signing and returning the work contract FORMS on time. Since they paid the fee they are considered Members but they can not send completed product for payment.

This is the only warning you receive.


Did we give you a refund option? No! What does that mean? It means

NO MATTER WHAT, the fee will not be refunded. It is actually cheap psychology. If we would offer refunds, assemblers would give up much too easily.

Therefore, requests for refunds are considered unfair it will result in immediate TERMINATION of his or her Membership.

CAUTION AND WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You SIGNED, MAILED a NONREFUNDABLE and an ARBITRATION contract to Florida. Correct?

This will place you under the jurisdiction of our local Court. Any attempt to contradict the contracts and demand a refund will be considered as an ATTEMPT TO DEFRAUD us out of our intellectual property. You understood clearly our NONREFUNDABLE policy. If problem, you promised to ARBITRATE. Local Court will allow us to file BREACH-OF-CONTRACT lawsuit against you for a minimum amount of $5000 up to the maximum amount of $50,000.  That is how much one nasty complaint can cost you!

We strongly caution you not to break your contract! We consider it a very serious offense. You will be charged for using false or fraudulent pretenses to obtain confidential information on our intellectual property. Unauthorized access to computer data: identity theft and conspiracy to commit each of those offenses against Int.

It will bring the following strong reaction from our legal department:

BEFORE we file suit, we will set up a bond hearing with The Federal Magistrate.  We will be asking him to issue a Court Order demanding that you place a $20,000 cash bond with the Clerk of Court. You must appear at this bond hearing in person. If you don't show up Contempt of Court charges will be filed against you.

Every time we receive a complaint we find an electronic person behind it! Electronic people sign up under their wife or grandmother’s name so they can hide the real reason they signed up:They want to STEAL our invention.

The minimum amount we sue is $5000.
We don’t feel sorry for thieves. We know exactly what to do with these dishonest THIEVES. We file action with the local Court in Florida. Obtain a Final Judgment to pay for our damages  + lawyer and Court cost.  Do you want to fight it? You will need to spend thousands on a local lawyer or be present yourself. After we win by default we turn it over to a law firm in the electronic person’s hometown for collection.  The dishonest electronic person will need to hire an attorney and pay him thousands. His property, car and wages will be attached immediately. Soon the law firm will be starting his collection effort since he will receive a percentage.

Every invention looks simple AFTER someone else invented it and made a sellable product out of it. Electronic people say why didn’t I think of this. I was a loser all my life. I am the VICTIM and I know exactly how and where to file effective complaints. I am going drive this little monkey out of business if that is the last thing I do. I will be the only one to manufacture and sell this product! Then they LIE and say they did not know what they signed.

The competition in the electronic business is fierce! They see it as a great opportunity to STEAL a successful product since it will be delivered to them on a silver platter for only $250. When they receive the Sample and the assembly program they are surprised to see that it can’t be STOLEN since it is protected by FCC rules and regulations.

All contractors agree to accept legal notifications by regular mail.

Just imagine how stupid this would sound: "BBB has 500 million complaints on file against the State of Florida. People returned their losing lottery tickets and the State refused to give their money back."
Why is it stupid? Because people knew BEFORE they spent their money that their investment into lottery tickets will be NONREFUNDABLE.

SEE PAGE 3 of our original mailer that was sent to you. We also explained it in advance why we do not meet anyone in person, nor talk to anyone over the phone.

We clearly explained the risk, when we told you that some of our contractors would not be able to do the job.

You clearly understood the risk, when you entered into binding contract with us.

To send out Modulators just to see if you are capable of assembling them would cost a SMALL FORTUNE!

If we would have set up our assembly program this way we would have told you so clearly.

However we did not!

We told you clearly, SEE PAGE 1 of our original mailer that was sent to you explaining about the fee being NONREFUNDABLE!

You mailed back a letter to us stating that you clearly understood our policy and willing to work by the rules, therefore we continued with our program.

SEE PAGE 1 of our original mailer. On the left, under the second picture:

"The first one is difficult."

See page 4 of our original mailer:

"The first one is quite difficult to do for most contractors.

We were 100% honest with you at all times! Don't give up trying to assemble hoping that you will be able to make up, dream up or create a reason to base your demand for a refund!


There is no lawyer, consumer protection agency, nor court in this world able to help you obtain a refund on your fee. We made no exaggerations, misleading or false statements anywhere and a contract is a contract! In plain, simple terms: Do a good job, send us working product. We pay well and we make the rules. Since we are an international company we are not forced to do business in a certain way. Therefore we do it the good old-fashioned way, our way! If you are unhappy with our rules, why did you bother signing up? You should have investigated fully before you signed up.

Some Internet surfers are looking for assembly work without an upfront fee. Good luck! There is no such thing! For a moment, imagine that we would offer our assembly work without a fee. We would receive about 2 million applications a month. To run a credit check on each applicant would cost us $35 each. That is $70 million a month. To mail out 2 million samples would be another $30 million. No company could afford such luxury! By charging a large fee we automatically eliminate the curious and end up with the serious assemblers.

Beware of Get-Rich Quick scams. We are not aware of anyone who's made it rich by assembling our product. Therefore we are not making such promises.

#1. DO NOT ACCUMULATE! We need finished Modulators NOW! If you assemble an average of 40/week, it is best you don't wait until the end of the week and send all 40 at the same time. Four Modulators will fit into a 9x12 envelope. It requires only four first class stamps. As soon as you have four Modulators done, please send them immediately! You will be reimbursed for the envelope and the postage stamps. Be sure to serial number your envelopes, start at #1. Be sure to write the serial number and your return address on the top left corner of the envelope. Be sure to include a simple note inside the envelope with your exact name, address and serial number! You will find this same serial number on your paycheck.

#2. PREVENT DELAYS, LOSSES! We are still receiving a number of finished Modulators without a note or letter. These Modulators cannot be traced back to the sender. Please, INCLUDE a letter in every envelope you send us with clear explanation, serial number, your exact name and address! Luckily the Modulators are not fragile. It is very important never to pack Modulators in a BOX or in a HEAVILY PADDED envelope. Be sure to send them in an unpadded envelope and they will “slip-by” strict new postal regulations. Most post offices are paranoid of boxes and heavily padded envelopes. They consider them “suspicious” and they fall under different postal rules. For example, if you failed to write the senders address clearly they often blow them up thinking maybe a bomb is in it. Int can’t be held responsible for any lost packages. Boxes or heavily padded envelopes are always marked “Refused” or “Not Accepted” by Int and returned to the sender. Who pays for the loss? Definitely not Int! You will need to sign up again by sending another fee.

NOT FAIR! You may say. How about the airports? They pick up and blow up unattended suitcases without hesitation. Is that fair? Do not mail anything certified. The post office will require a signature. An official of Int will have to take off from work, drive to the post office, stand in line, and show his credentials. Then he needs to drive back. The company needs to pay him $50. The assembler will need to reimburse Int or we place a HOLD on the assembler’s account

#3. TUNING! The Modulators are automatically tuned to 88.3-108 MHZ. But only IF you follow the sample faithfully! If you make the wires of the resistors, condensers, coils or safety wire too long or too short the Modulator will still function but it will transmit on the WRONG FREQUENCY, outside of the radio band. Modulators found to be transmitting on the wrong frequency cannot be repaired at a reasonable cost. They will need a complete disassembling and rebuilding. These units will be discarded and we cannot pay.

#4. SOME CONTRACTORS are still pressing us to help them with repairs. Yes, we will help, but NOT INSTANTLY. At this time we are about 2 and 1/2 Months behind with repairs. You will need to wait. Please contact us after that. Mail a letter to our PO Box, request a REPORT and a new Kit. (Not by email.) If you don't contact us we assume that you gave up.

Modulators assembled negligently are actually not our problem. Most of the time these Modulators need to be disassembled and rebuilt. Burned out parts? They again need to be disassembled and the bad part found on a tester. This takes a lot longer then building an entire new Modulator and it is just not feasible. In order to forge ahead in this dog-eat-dog business world, our selling prices are discounted to the lowest price. If we would hire an extra technician to do repairs we would be doomed! Repairs are not our number one priority; we do repairs on a slow day. We receive a large number of finished Modulators daily. These are NOT READY to be sold. Each Modulator is carefully inspected, re-tuned, glued, sealed, closed, labeled, packaged and sent off to our salespeople. This takes up all of our time on most days. Our producing contractors are waiting for their checks and more Kits. If we delay sending the paychecks, we are DEAD! Our success would be immediately halted. We work very hard into the late hours. The last things we want to do are being kind-hearted and spend two more hours doing repairs. The same goes for contractors who try to phone us. We could spend hours on the phone, trying to help contractors with questions. It would be all wasted. It is just not possible to find bad connections or other assembly problems over the phone. Therefore, we talk to no one over the phone. Question? Examine the Sample. As we said on page #3 of our original mailer: We make no personal contact with anyone. If you sent in a perfectly good Modulator we sent you the fee and 5 more on the same day. If you did not hear from us the Modulator you sent in was turned over to Repairs. SEARCH requests are payable in advance. We are precision people and we don’t make mistakes. Assemblers who send us Modulators with unreadable return addresses cause most problems. If you want us to SEARCH for a lost letter or Modulator, fine. We can send someone to our document storage and he charges $50/hour for his time to do the SEARCH.

Assemblers make good money and they can afford it easily. We can’t take the loss to waste our valuable time on a wild goose chase. Some assemblers send us Modulators with abbreviations. For example, they give us the country name as SA. That could be South America or South Africa. We just had one assembler who sent us his Modulator without name or address. He wrote a 4-page letter, signed it as Joe. He is of course out of the program, whoever he is.
REDUCE Lost by mail notices. Write clearly when addressing your envelopes. Place the correct postage stamp on it. Write your return address on the envelope clearly. You as an assembler require 100% honesty when you deal with INTERNATIONAL. The rule works both ways. Whenever you send us an envelope with a circuit board, every time, you need to enclose a DECLARATION note. The note has to include a message stating clearly that you indeed tested the unit and if it worked exactly as the SAMPLE or it did not work and you want us to send it to the repair department. This declaration must include your name, address. The date the Kit was received by you. It needs to be signed with blue ink and dated.
Some dishonest assemblers fail to enclose an honest and truthful declaration. They send us defective circuit board without a note. They do it with the intention of misleading us. Some includes note with double talk. Those are not accepted. We seal it back. Mark it REFUSED and drop it into the nearest mailbox.

How about NAA? It is simply a BLOG site where former assemblers can communicate with eachother and help point out assembling jobs. It is not sometype of an official organization where you can apply for aid or retirement. Int offers a Membership and recomends you a job to assemble electronic products. You paid nothing to be an assembler. It was free.

NAA will not guarantee anything. If you can duplicate the SAMPLE we pay $7.50 and receive more to assemble. If you can't do the first one. You will not be able to do 5, 10, 25 either. Ask for a different assignment.

You are a life time member and you can ask other members if they can find other employment for you.

You need to receive a signed authorization to work for us as a JOBMASTER. Promoting Without that it is consider a FRAUD.

#5 Our producing contractors are always the #1 PRIORITY! The second on our priority list are our salespeople. Contractors who do sloppy work are number three on our priority list. This is the KEY to our success! Contractors who are not able to complete their Modulators are still important to us. We will do everything within our power to help them assemble and make money. They are simply not on the top of our priority list.

#6. DUPLICATIONS! Are you requesting help or additional parts? You must do it through the proper channels! SIMPLY WRITE A LETTER TO Int. Some contractors in the past had requested parts by phoning. They wanted to be absolutely sure so they also emailed the same request to several of our email accounts. Then, they also wrote a letter. This caused tremendous confusion, delays, and duplication. They received the same parts several times causing a great financial loss to our operation. Do you need something? Broken, burned out part? No problem. Your request will be acted on immediately. The parts will be sent FREE! All you need to do is write to our PO Box. Definitely, positively NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! Sorry, all anonymous Emails are deleted; all anonymous letters mailed to us are thrown out. Be sure to add your name, complete postal mailing address to all correspondents. Letters sent by DELIVERY CONFIRMATION are not accepted.

#7 THE CUT! It is very important that you observe the slight cut in the antenna wire! Some contractors are still returning Modulators without this cut! In the future, we will be forced to return the ones you send us for payment without the cut. It is too much work for us to open each, check and make the cut.

#8 Some contractors who live in this area drive up and try to have a broken part replaced or try to turn in a finished Modulator. As we explained to you we want no one to contact us in person! This was one of our conditions! We removed our commercial insurance coverage from our building and we don't want to be sued again. We farm out our assembly work to reduce problems with hired help. In order to protect ourselves we make no personal contact with anyone! Please communicate with us through the mail. If a contractor ignores this warning his or her membership is INSTANTLY TERMINATED! As we explained, we lost everything due to an UNTRUE lawsuit!

#9 TOO MUCH GLUE! Some contractors are using too much glue to fasten the parts down. Please use the minimum amount of glue so we can inspect all the parts!

#10 As you know one employee lawsuit can wipe you out. Therefore Int has no employees. If we are snowed under with work we simply take our phones off the hook. Phone busy? Hundreds of people call daily. They don't have the fee and they all ask the same question. Can they work without the deposit? The answer is NO, every time. We are forced to take the phone off the hook because they call at our expense. Sometimes we leave an answering machine on. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! Write a letter and mail it. Seeking technical advice? Examine the SAMPLE. A SAMPLE is worth a thousand pages of instructions. Question? If we have more time to analyze the question we can give you better technical advice. Please write, do not Email and ask for technical advice.

#11 It is important to spread the 3 legs of the transistors well apart before gluing them down and have the back of them down.

#12 Some capacitors have short legs. You will need to extend them by using the wire we provided.

#13 Thin or thick wrapper wire? Both are perfect.

#14 The indicator light does not light? Reverse the wires!.

#15 Battery was missing? Some Modulators are sent without the battery to reduce weight of the package. You buy one locally, pay for it and we will reimburse you.

#16 The plastic box is available at Radio Shack stores. If you received a Kit without the plastic, build yours without the box, without switch.

#17 The telescopic antenna? They break off easily. Most of our salespeople are ordering their Modulators with just a short wire. This wire is the transmitting antenna.

#18 The sample is messy? We need to apologize. If the wiring of your sample is messy it was probably made by an inexperienced contractor. This is actually very good news for you. If yours is also messy, we will still pay! As long as it works! The Modulator will be sealed before it is sold. Remember, we sell these to third world countries. There are no hidden parts under the wax. Heat it up and pull it away if you want to see it better.. Do not buy and substitute any part! You can only use parts we send you.

#19 List price $300? None is sold at this price. We give huge discounts.

#20 DO NOT OVERHEAT the parts! The hot solder iron can destroy the parts if you leave the solder iron on the part for longer than 10 Seconds.

#21 PLEASE DO NOT CALL! Some contractors are correctly ordering parts by mailing in FORM 33. Then they phone, asking us to check on their parts. Please do not phone! We are PRECISION people. The day we received your order, that day we sent out the r equested parts! No one had ever succeeded doing it faster. If worried, please check with the local post office. We are not able to locate or check on packages in transit.

#22. What happens if you return a non-working Modulator? A contractor returned a non-working Modulator with a note to send him a second Kit immediately. This type of a request is very unreasonable, expensive and it cannot be done. The contractor had failed with the first one and he will fail with the second one just the same, unless we give him POINTERS! We will try to repair the non-working Modulator before sending a second Kit. We will write up a report and give pointers or suggestions to the contractor of what went wrong. Why did he failed and what to do to avoid making the SAME MISTAKE. Please wait until you receive the report and a second Kit to assemble. We will try to reduce this delay. See point #4.When a Modulator is assembled negligently the first thing that burns out is one of the transistor. Do not replace the burned out transistor that is not the answer. The new T2 will burn out just the same. The defect needs to be found first. Return the nonworking Modulator with a signed note asking us to help you with it. Only one SAMPLE can be sent out. Some would be assemblers try to receive several Samples by duplicating our Step 3 Confirmation Letter. We only accept the original. If you lost it you will need to sign up again.

#23. If you made a hole for the on-off switch at the wrong spot: There is no need to order a new plastic box. Simply ignore the hole you made and make a new hole at the right place. We will cover the extra hole with a sticker. If your Sample has no box, ignore this point.

#24. About the outside appearance of the FM Modulator. Looks are not important to us. In actual use the Modulator is installed by an installer and it is placed in the trunk of a car, next to the Digital Jukebox Player. The 9 Volt battery we place on to the back of the CD Modulator is temporary. The Modulator will be connected to the 12 Volt car batteries and the 9 Volt battery will be discarded. No one really cares how it looks as long as it has plenty of power to transmit.

#25 We receive questions like this: The red light comes on but the Modulator does not work. What did I do wrong? If you connect the battery in reverse, that is the end. After that, no matter what you do, it will NEVER WORK! Also, even if you connect the battery correctly but you have a short somewhere in the circuit, that is the end, it will NEVER WORK! Also, if you start bending the parts, while the battery is connected, that may short out something. That is the end, it will NEVER WORK! If you start checking with a screw driver or soldering. While the battery is connected. That usually ruins something. That’s the end, it will NEVER WORK!

Some contractors re-assemble the Modulator several times to try to make it work. It is wasted time. You will need to learn to be PERFECT the FIRST TIME!

#26. This is about the Safety Wire. The FM Modulator is booby-trapped with the safety wire. A thin wire is glued to the top enclosure of the FM Modulator. When you open the Modulator, first you remove the 4 screws, then lift the lid just slightly without pulling on the Safety Wire. Reach in with the wire cutter and cut the Safety Wire. People who are not familiar with this simple precaution will pull on the Safety Wire and ruin the Modulator. We warn users not to tamper with the Modulator. When they do, chances are that they will disable it before it could cause interference with some radio station. We must protect our invention.

#27 Some of contractors have panicked when we sent them black box with blue top. Blue top is OK! We think it looks nice.

#28 Some contractors insists that they want to follow clear pictures and not the actual sample. If you are one of those, take a picture of the area you want to work on with a Polaroid camera and follow the picture.

#29. Mail everything to our PO Box 28307 address in Kenneth City, FL 33709 USA.

Some contractors send Emails. Since they ignored our warnings we can't help them When they send Email they do not know that we need name, address, dates. Old messages must be deleted before sending it.

#30. Any replacement part we mail you is absolutely 100% guaranteed by us to be in perfect working condition. All were tested before sending. If the wire is too short you will need to extend it by using the copper wire we supplied.

#31. All parts we mailed you are GUARANTEED to work! They were all tested. They may look different then the part used in the original Sample, however if the part is taped on FORM 32 and 31 they are absolutely OK for you to use. In case you are more comfortable working with a different part other then the one we sent you on. Do not remove any parts and start compliting the Kit. Make sure the signed Kit Acceptance Form is received by the factory and a GREEN FLAG is placed on your account. You need to send it within 2 days.

#32. Your honesty is always appreciated. If you return a non-working Modulator please be sure to state that in your letter. If you falsely claim that it was working when you packed it, you cannot request a second Kit to be mailed to you.

#33. Defective Modulators falsely submitted for payment will be discarded.

#34. Unfinished product will NOT be accepted. We only make about $8 in profit when we re-sell these to our distributors. To spend hours to find an error would cost us about $25. It does not pay to do repairs.

#35. If the assembly job would be as easy as placing parts on a circuit board we would not be trying to find assemblers. A machine could do it. Circuit boards use hundreds of transistors. This job only requires 2 transistors. You must pay attention when you assemble or the job will be a failure. No one can Help you try to find the mistake you made. Best if you use a large magnifier.

#36. Some contractors discard perfectly good Modulators thinking that they are defective. If you place your hand near the Modulator that will tune it to a different frequency. Always try to find the transmitted signal on the FM Radio by removing your hands away from the Modulator. In actual use the Modulator is placed inside the trunk of the car, next to the 100 CD Player and no one disturbs it.

#37. Absolutely, positively no handwritten letters please! As you well know, Int is an international company. Your letter or request may be handled by anyone in any of our offices. Many of our partners, though they speak English, are unable to read English since this is not their first language. Why don't our partners send back your requests and ask for clarification? Because of the numerous requests with illegible return addresses. Please print your requests clearly and to the point.

#38. As we explained in point #24, in actual use the Modulator is connected to the 12 Volt car Battery and the 9 Volt one is discarded. The Sample Modulator we sent you may not work well on 9 Volt. If the sound is less than perfect, or the sound fades when your hand is near the box, it does not mean the Sample Modulator is defective. The Modulator is placed in the trunk of the car and connects to any trunk-mounted JUKEBOX or digital media player. You can excess thousands of MP3 files. Don't send check! Remember, the Modulator is not sold in USA. (It is that good!)

#39. THE SILENCE TEST. Not all CD Players are alike. Some newer Players have slightly different earphone plugs. If your Sample does not work, with your CD Player, there is another way of testing the Sample Modulator. You can do the testing WITHOUT a CD Player. Simply do the SILENCE test:
a.) Turn on any FM table Radio.
b.) Turn it to a radio station to the frequency indicated on the Sample. c.) Turn on the Modulator. By connecting a 9 Volt Battery.
d.) Turn the tuning knob on the Sample Modulator left and right.
e.) If the Sample Modulator is able to SILENCE the Radio, at one point, it is transmitting perfectly. f.) If unable to SILENCE the radio try tuning it to another weak station.

Not all Modulators are the same. The latest ones are built for trunk-mounted Digital Jukeboxes. No switch, no plug is needed with these. The Modulators will be built into the Jukeboxes at the factory. Do not try to plug these in. Do the SILENCE TEST ONLY!

#40. Some transistor in the Modulator are PNP, some are NPN type. The Modulator works perfectly with both types of transistors. After you assembled the Modulator correctly, observe the indicator light. If it does not light, you have a PNP type transistor and you will need to reverse the RED and BLACK wires coming from the battery. It will then work perfectly.

#41. MISTAKES will happen. Sometimes we receive hundreds of completed Modulators and find some part connected to the wrong place. We cut the part out and replace it. What happens to the part we removed? Those parts are absolutely fine. They are new. We test them just to be sure and re-use them. If you find a part with short legs, simply extend them with the wires provided.

#42. Warning! We pay well and we make the rules! The Internet is full of troublemakers. Spammers, hackers, liars, idiots, competitors. They will surely contact you and try to pull information out of you about Int or your work. Questions like how many do you assemble. How much money you earn, etc. You are hereby officially advised to be careful and give out no information of any type, (good or bad), to anyone about Int. Do not answer any E-mail or letter if anyone asks you about Int! Do not give out information over the phone! Do not post anything, (good or bad.)
One nasty remark or a threatening word from you by email or in a letter and your account is TERMINATED! We don’t put up with any insult.

Every letter or email must have the sender’s exact name, postal address. We have ZERO tolerance for anonymous letters or emails. If we find out who is sending us these anonymous messages the assembler’s account will be TERMINATED. Modulators will not be excepted and the perpetrator’s email address will be BLOCKED.

#43. The Internet is full of spammers, scammers, hackers, crackers, scam-busters, anti-hackers, liars, idiots, con artists, grifters, thieves and various troublemakers. Now they have a new breed of idiots:

COMPETITION-BUSTERS. It is widespread in the electronic business. They simply purchase a product or a program from their competitor, then they claim that they were ripped-off or scammed. They file hundreds of complaints with Consumer Protection Agencies. According to one analyst, Companies are Being Stalked, Conned or Blackmailed on the Web. Beware of any postings against us if any. Int is 100% honest and proud of it!

#44. Consumer Protection Agencies made it very easy to file complaints on line. If you have any problem with Int we have our own line of communication: Please be sure to give us a chance to help you. Assembling small parts can be nerve-wracking. Remember, if you lose your temper and start filing invalid complaints or post messages, your Membership will be TERMINATED INSTANTLY! If you are TERMINATED, don't try to send us products for payment. Any products will not be accepted from you and we will not pay! Rightfully, we may add!

You will also lose your membership fee. We pay well and we make the rules. There are bulletin boards Starving for juicy complaints. Being the STAR at one of these boards could possibly get you paid. Some bulletin boards pay you if you file a complaint. They do no investigations. They post anything irresponsibly. These bulletin boards receive thousands in donations weekly from their readers. Beware of any postings against us if any. Int is 100% honest and proud of it! If you post, good or bad, your Membership will be TERMINATED.

Your NAA Membership can’t be sold or transferred. You can’t take on partners or helpers. If we found out that you made an attempt, your Membership will be instantly, permanently TERMINATED.

#45. REFUNDS. We operate by the Golden Rules and that is guaranteed! What does this guarantee mean to you? If we deliberately violated our own rules and regulations, Yes, we agree, we should honor a request for refund! If you want to receive a refund on your Membership fee there is no need to write nasty letters. It can be handled in a civilized manner. We deal with a panel of electronic experts working as private arbitrators and they will investigate problems down to the smallest detail. They are impartial and very fair. They will mail you a report on their findings. Their operation is not formal. All you need to do is write to Arbitration, explain your problem and attach legally sufficient evidence to support your statements. Absolutely, positively no handwritten letters please! Mail delays? That is not the fault of Int and they will not issue a refund based on that. If you request a refund based on a claim that Int is in violation, you need to prove that it was Int's fault and Int deliberately, knowingly violated their own Golden Rules.

You need to start by attaching proof that Int actually received your original Membership fee. Legally sufficient means that you can't give reasons such as you read about dissatisfied people posting accusations against Int or someone sent you an email. You must be talking about your own case and not someone else's. Some people’s refund request was promptly submitted to the Arbitrator, fairly judged, their request was refused and all they can do now is post untrue accusations. Arbitrators agreeing to the above points stated that we must operate by the Golden Rules or issue refunds. That is exactly what we are doing.

By agreeing to our Golden Rule you gave up your right to file complaints with BBB, any Consumer Protection Agency, any Credit Card Company, any Bank and any Money Transfer Agency such as PayPal or Western Union forever.

Our NONREFUNDABLE policy could generate extra numbers of complaints. Some assemblers, who were not able to assemble, could build up a case against us by FALSELY claiming that they were scammed or defrauded and they never realized our strict NONREFUNDABLE policy. If you are planning to strike back at us in some way, think twice. It will be very unprofitable for you since you may be able to make some BIG MONEY in the future.

You are our partner and when our product becomes a great success, your share of the future 1000 shares may be very valuable. Check into Google, their share value was 4cents/each. When they finally started trading it on the big board it was as high as $120/each. 1000x$120= $120.000 If the same thing would happen to our invention, your investment could be worth as much as $120.000. You could be losing $120.000 if you start complaining against us. You do know that we were honest and told you about the deposit being NONREFUNDABLE in advance. If you LIE, your account will be TERMINATED in minutes.

No matter what, no refund!

Filing unfair claims for a refund against a company you partly own is a very stupid idea!


In addition, we’ll contact The Central Credit Bureau with proof about your signature being WORTHLESS and that you were TERMINATED from your job. In extreme cases, you could also be sued for slander and you will need to hire an attorney.


Int can’t be held responsible for lost envelopes. Since the Sept. 11th happenings, more and more foreign packages are delayed or undelivered due to tighter postal regulations. There is a very small percentage of letters that become lost in the mail, yet we spend untold hours looking for them. It is costing us a small fortune. Sorry, we are no longer able to provide FREE search.

There is nothing more important for Int than to please our contractors either by paying for the returned completed products or teaching them to assemble properly.

You’ve seen how we mailed you the first package, you’ve seen how light it was and it “slipped-by” without any problems, just as a regular letter. The Modulator is not fragile and it does not need padding. If you place heavy padding around it and if you compound the weight limitation further by including a heavy battery, the post office will consider it a package and not a letter. Different rules will apply. They may even think it is bomb and they will blow it up. It is your loss, not ours.

Some “would be assemblers” discovered a new way to cheat International. When they receive a Kit, they start assembling it without sending in the signed Kit Acceptance Form. If the Kit is not operating correctly, they simply try to blame us by falsely claiming that they never received it and demand a second Kit. Unfortunately, (for those who try to cheat us), we always detect the deceit.

If we say we mailed it, you can bet the farm on it!

This is what we do to protect ourselves:

We don’t simply drop the letters into a mailbox.
We send 3 people to do it. We place all letters into the mailbox or turn the letters in at the Post Office in front of 3 reliable witnesses. They examine every letter and compare it with the listing of the day. They drop them in one-by-one carefully checking off every letter. If needed, they are willing to sign a sworn affidavit that they indeed saw the envelope being mailed.

Therefore, if it is lost by the Post Office (Not likely), Int can’t be blamed. Personally, the Post Office has not lost a single letter in 40 years for me.

If you think they lost your mail, contact the local Post Office and ask them to find it. As we said, we can’t be held responsible. Try to collect the loss from the Post Office and sign up again

Before we learned how dishonest some people are, we replaced the so-called “lost in the mail” packages and lost hundreds of Kits by doing it. Some assemblers sent us nonworking Modulators claiming that it was working.

We return those. Sometimes this nonworking Modulator makes the trip several times and finally the assembler claims that it was “lost in the mail” thinking that we will replace it. We don’t! File a claim with the Post Office if you wish and sign up again by sending in another fee. To determine who is honest and who is dishonest is not our job. More and more assemblers cheated us and we are forced to put a stop to this.


a.) If, you mail us a Modulator without enough postage, it is returned to you. IF the return address is clear. If the Post Office can’t read your return address it goes to the Dead Letters Storage.

b.) If, we receive your Modulator without a name, address or clear note it is instantly thrown out. See Point #1 in the Service Bulletin. You can’t expect us to halt our operation, run a DNA test or a forensic investigation. If you don’t care, we don’t care.

c.) The main problem with the letters is this: we receive a large number of Modulators with a nice letter inside, our name and PO Box neatly typed. The letter says, “Here is my finished Modulator”, send the check and 5 more, signed “Rick” or “Bill” or “Nancy”, a first name only. Imagine that. No last name, no address. Only a first name. If you do that, the Modulator is promptly thrown out.

d.) If, for any reason your package was lost in the mail, we can’t be held responsible. You can contact the Post Office and ask them to look for it. If they lost it you need to, file a claim with the Post Office and NOT with Int. When you collect the money you can sign up again by completing and mailing another Membership Application with another $250 fee. Your present Membership will be on “hold” until then. There is nothing we can do to help you. We can’t absorb the loss or replace the package.

e.) How do we mail Modulators? As a regular letter. They are simply dropped into the mailbox. (In front of 3 witnesses.)

f.) What proof do we have that the envelope was sent?

We deal with all types of people and we take no chances of someone falsely accusing us of not mailing the package. The packing of all Modulators is done in front of 3 persons. The mailing is also done in front of 3 persons. If you have problems, take it up with the Arbitrators. The Arbitrators decide any controversy and we bring 3 live witnesses to the hearing. We don’t provide anyone with shipping numbers because the Post Office does not give us any such numbers.

g.) If, you order a package, we send it to the exact name and address you’ve given us. If that address is incomplete or wrong and our package becomes lost, your Membership will be placed on “hold”. Complete and mail in another Membership Application with another $250 fee. Your present Membership will be on “hold” until then. There is nothing we can do to help you. We can’t absorb the loss or replace the package.

#47. LEGALITY QUESTIONS Such as is it legal for you to work at home? There are many more questions. We sincerely hope that there are no laws, rules in your state or country, postal laws or religious believes in preventing you to sign up to this program. All we can tell you is the offer is VOID if prohibited. It is your job to investigate everything before you invest. We can’t change the basic nature of the Internet. When we post an advertisement in a classified it will be accessible on any computer in the world. We can’t stop the ad to show up for example in Zambia or North Korea. As we explained, the risk is yours.

#48. Thank you for understanding. We are small and trying to run this operation on a shoestring budget. Assemblers who send us working Modulators are always treated by the utmost courtesy. If you are a nonproducer you can not send us qustions about documents or letters. If you want us to stop working with producers and start looking for the answers to your questions you need to enclose $35 fee in advance.

This OUTSOURCING offer is set up to run AUTOMATICALLY. We sent you a working sample, detailed instructions. New and perfect parts. Do your best. Follow the sample; follow the rules on how and when to send it. If problem, send it in with a letter and we will help you. Unfortunately we are not able to run a pen-pal service, write and answer letters. Read the latest rules as you are doing it now.

Go out of business or be tough? WILD GOOSE CHASE? YOU PAY. What do we mean?

The assembly program works automatically. If you write us a letter asking us to look up something, expect to pay the person who will drive to the Document Depository (and back) and does the searching. The Depository is not air-conditioned and he wants his money IN ADVANCE. Send $50 for a simple search maybe more later.

The same goes for registered letters. If you mail us a registered letter the post office sends us a note asking us to come in and sign for it. A registered agent of our company will make a special trip to the post office. He may have to stand in line. He will sign for your letter and drive back. His time, gas, car payment is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! Send $50 for each trip.


A few facts about my company:

Most new companies go under within the first 2 years. I slowly built up my company to be the most highly rated business on the Planet! We operate by the Golden Rules and we stick to it. We are 100% honest. In business for 20 years!

We NEVER give refunds since every Assembler knew our NONREFUNDABLE POLICY BEFORE they signed up.

Refund seekers mut set up a case with the Arbitrators. Their cases, whatever they are unhappy about, are thoroughly investigated by them. When the Arbitrators see our terms being clearly explained they rule in our favor. We are precision people and we are 100% honest. We NEVER make a mistake nor violate our own rules!

We learned from the Internet companies. They all operate by their own TOS, Terms of Service. You can’t enter those sites unless at first you read and click on their TOS showing you agree and promise to obey their rules. Our TOS is called the Golden Rule.

It is a 14 page little book and we hire no Assemblers unless we are absolutely sure that our they read our TOS BEFORE we take their sign up fee, understand it and agree to it fully. See page ONE of our mailer. It is disclosed on the top, clearly in large letters. We also require a signed letter to be on file saying they read it, understood it and will do the assembly work by the Golden Rules.

Our TOS is also on the Internet at:

This protects our associates and us both.

Do we have the right to write anything whatsoever into our Golden Rule book? Yes!

Do associates have their right NOT TO SIGN UP? Yes!

What if we say something like this: send us $250, consider it as a free gift, it will never be refunded no matter what.

What if we say this: we are ugly, send us $250 as a free gift for a facelift. Yes, we have the right to say that too.

Do associates have their right NOT TO SIGN UP? Yes!

Do associates have their right to agree to the Golden Rules and then break it deliberately?


Did we say that you will absolutely surely make big money with no risk involved and that the assembly job is very easy? No! Did we say our offer was the very best on the Internet? No! We mislead no one EVER!

Is there a company who devotes 4 pages in their advertisement explaining the risk? No! We are the only one.

Int can't be held responsible for lost packages. We are not here to educate the world. Some people are extremely dumb. One assembler is still looking for his package and wrote us this Email: "The information in my package said for me to put a #1 on the silencer sir. It did not say for me to put my name on it." WARNING!

Do not send or return any packages to International without obtaining written return authorization from them at first.

The assembler hereby makes the following statement:

I the assembler checked all parts sent to me they are indeed exactly as they should be and brand new. The Sample the instructions were excellent and easy to follow. I congratulate International for the excellent job of making the instructions very clear. I also guarantee that I did not remove any parts BEFORE I started checking or using them.

You are a Member forever but can only receive one try to assemble. If the Factory does not receive a working product from you, FOR ANY REASON, it is OVER! You can take another gamble and sign up again. Sorry, we can't hold your hand. You said you were an assembler, correct? If you are NOT fully experienced we can't train you. Schooling is extremely expensive and would take years. We offered free repairs as explained in Point #4.

The SAMPLE. The Sample is a left over transmitter from one of our popular Talking House Product. You are not allowed to make any changes or alter it or use it in any way. It is just a muck up circuit. FCC Identifier H8PMIKE. File No 31010/EQU 4-3-2.

If you need more Kits you can buy the parts at any Radio Shack store. We will pay you $7.50 and reimburse you for the parts when you send in a working product.