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Pool Bud League Rules

General League Rules

1. You must read all of Case's rules and policies. Click here to read them.

2. There are absolutely NO PROVISIONAL NAMES allowed in the Pool Buds League. In order to join/play in tourneys, you MUST be out of the provisional status. In order to get your yahoo name out of the provisional status, you need to play 20 games (yahoo pool).

3. You Yahoo and League name MUST MATCH!! If they DO NOT MATCH, please go to User Editors to change your name to match.

4. Case's only allowed ONE league name per household. If you and another member are using the same computer, please contact the Head Admin (Rita_40_nv) via email at

5. Please DO NOT spam or talk about our league in another league's room. It is disrespectful to the other league and we could lose our league that way!

Wearing and Tearing Lobby Rules

1. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO FIGHTING, ARGUEING, OR DISAGREEMENTS OF ANY KINDS TO TAKE PLACE IN THE LOBBY! NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES ARE, THAT TYPE OF BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!!! If someone if offending you or causing trouble, you will be asked to place this person on ignore. There is no need to ask the person to stop, since this will encourage them to go at it more. Let the admins or tds handle the situation. If you have a personal dispute with someone, please take it to a private table and settle it there or take it to an IM. If you have a league dispute, please take the situation to an admin immediately.

2. There is to be NO vulgar language used at ANY TIME! If it's not allowed on prime time, it's not allowed here either. If there are admins in the room, you will be asked to ignore the person ASAP! If you start to argue with the person AFTER the admin has said to stop, penalty box will be issued.

3. NO CAPS! The CAPS are only reserved for TDs/HTDs HOSTING tourneys or the admin staff!

Pool Bud Tournament Rules

1. Do not rush either the TDs or your opponent!

2. All tables are to be Rated/protected/no timer, unless instructed otherwise by the TD.

3. All games shall be open to the members. There is to be no booting members from tournament tables. If you are having problems with someone watching your game, contact the TD immediately!

4. There is to be NO COACHING of any kind during league play!

5. If a player gets booted or freezes during a tournament game, ask the TD for a 8 MINUTE TIMER. Do not start the timer by yourself. After the TD has confirmed that the player has no ping, the timer will start. If the opponent does not return, cancel the game. DO NOT FORCE THE FORFIET!!

6. If you and a TD are have a disagreement, don't argue. Please take the situation to an admin immediately!!

7. If you get yahoo'ed by a glitch, yes, we do feel bad, but stuff happens. The game will continue unless the table freezes. If the table freezes, the TD can okay a rematch.


9. Be a good sport. No whimpering or throwing tantrums upon loosing a game.

Pool Bud League Game Rules

Special Note: Always write down the date and time of your league game so that it can be verified if the game is not reported by the loser. Report your win in the lobby so that others can see. Please be courtious! Example: Rita defeated Lesley in league game. Great game Lesley!

1. All games that apply for tourney games, also apply for league games. The only exception is the 8 minute timer. If your opponent gets booted or freezes, PLEASE DO NOT FORCE THE FORFIET! Simply cancel the game and wait for another time to play. If your opponent has a ping, but does not play, contact an admin or TD immediately!

2. Losers must report their games ASAP!!