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Test results Commentators: Jim Ross and The King Matches: 1. Sinn v. Ray 2. (Battle Royal) Mad Dogg Mun v. KidKa$h v. Hollywood Hogan v. Pawnee v. Race v. Reese. 3. (U.S. title) (Cage) Triple 6 v. Triple H 4. (World title) Scott Street v. loZ * The night starts with explosions all around the ring. Fireworks blast in the sold out arena, and thousands of fanz scream holding signs of different shapes and sizes. The camera zooms in and out of the fans and eventually goes down to Jim Ross and The King. * Jim Ross Welcome to Saturday night Sanity! We have some GREAT matches for you tonight! King I can’t wait J.R.! It’s going to be great! Today we have four, AWESOME MATCHES! Jim Ross Tonight we have a battle royal for the intercontinental championship, a cage match for the U.S.A. championship, and a singles match for the world championship! Well, lets first get ready for our warm up match, between Sinn, and Ray! King This is going to be great! MATCH ONE: SINN V. RAY * Sinister hits the P.A. system, and out from behind the curtains comes Sinn. The fanz boo loudly as he makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. Next All Star hits the PA. System, and Ray comes out to a mixed reaction. A few fireworks blast off, and he goes down the ramp, and enters the ring. The fanz are wild and just waiting to see the main event! As the two men stare one another down, the bell rings. Ding! Ding! Ding! * Sinn hits a few punches to Rays back, but Ray quickly reverses it, and hits a quick D.D.T. Sinn gets back up almost immediately, and super kicks Ray real hard. Ray almost falls down, but doesn’t, and Sinn executes a neck breaker. Ray stays motionless on the ground, and the fanz start cheering for him to get back up. Jim Ross Is Ray going to get back up? This is ridiculous! Come on Ray! King Oh, forget him! Look at Sinn! He’s awesome! * Sinn stats to taunt, and the fanz boo even more. Ray finally gets back up, and hits an electric chair drop. Sinn lays on the ground, spread out, and motionless. Ray taunts now, and kicks Sinn a few times. A few times more. AND MORE! Sinn grabs Rays ankle on one of the kicks, and twists his ankle hard. Ray falls with a thump, and Sinn twists him into an ankle lock. * Jim Ross Is that tapping I hear??? King Oh it is!! It IS!! * Ding! Ding! Ding! * Jim Ross Sinn has won! Sinn has won! This is horrible! King No, it’s GREAT! Jim Ross Now, one of the matches I’ve been waiting for the most, The BATLLE ROYAL! MATCH TWO: Mad Dogg Munn v. KidKa$h v. Hollywood Hogan v. Pawnee v. Race v. Reese * Mud hits the P.A. and the fanz boo loudly as Mad Dogg Mun comes from behind the curtain, and makes his way to the ring. Suddenly Cocky by Kid Rock hits the P.A. system, and the fanz cheer loudly. Fireworks blast off, and he enters the ring. The now’s theme hits and the fanz boo as Hollywood Hogan goes down into the ring. Indian chants go off on the P.A. and the fanz give a mixed reaction as Pawnee enters the ring. R&R hits the PA. and Race and Reese come from behind the curtains, and shake hands, being tag team partners, as they enter the ring. Ding! Ding! Ding! * Mad Dogg Mun and KidKa$h, duel it out in the center of the ring, with left and rights, kicks and punches, moves and grapples. Hogan and Pawnee stare each other down in the other corner. Race and Reese just sit together, waiting for the others to eliminate each other. KidKa$h hits a suplex on MDM and then executes a pile driver. A headlock comes next, but MDM escapes it, and goes to a hammerlock, which Ka$h quickly escapes, and spinning heel kicks MDM. MDM gets mad, and low blows KidKa$h. the Referee starts yelling at MDM, as KidKa$h recovers from the cheap move. Hogan and Pawnee are in a tie up. Pawnee breaks it up with a kick to the abdomen, and hits a pile driver, followed by a leg drop. Pawnee picks Hogan up by the hair, and executes a great heel kick. And Hogan flies straight out of the ring. R&R see their chance, and they team on Pawnee. Pawnee tries to escape, but it’s to late. Pawnee gets shoved out of the ring. Jim Ross Pawnee and Hollywood Hogan! They have both been eliminated! King Well I’m happy about Pawnee, but why Hogan? WHY? KidKa$h on the other side of the ring, executes a Money Maker (X-factor) and then climbs the turnbuckle. He jumps off to meet MDM’s knees and Ka$h grabs his stomach in grapping pain. MDM gets up, and stares at him with disgust. He spits on KidKa$h and taunts. The fanz boo, and KidKa$h gets up. He quickly hits another Money Maker, and then his finisher, Bawitaba. (Pedigree) He picks MDM up, and tosses him out of the ring. King Oh No! Not Mad Dogg Mun! Damn! Jim Ross Actually that’s a good thing. R&R see there chance once again, and head for KidKa$h. KidKa$h runs into the ropes, and bounces back to R&R and hits a clothesline on both of them. Reese’s head hits Races head hard and the two don’t get up for a moment. Then they get up, and viciously attack KidKa$h. Once they’ve beaten KidKa$h to a bloody pulp, they try to shove him out of the ring, but KidKa$h holds onto the ropes. R&R tries harder, but its no use, at the moment. KidKa$h has blood all over his face from the beating from R&R. Jim Ross What’s this? Pawnee coming back into the ring? King Probably to get revenge on R&R for teaming him. Pawnee and KidKa$h team together, and start pounding on R&R. Pawnee dropkicks Reese, and KidKa$h does a moneymaker to Race. Pawnee shoves Reese out of the ring and KidKa$h shoves Race out of the ring. Ding! Ding! Ding! Jim Ross KidKa$h wins! Pawnee and him may soon be a new tag team after this! King Lets hope not. Jim Ross Well, now to our next match. MATCH THREE: Triple 6 v. Triple H in a Cage for U.S. title * Day in Hell blasts over the P.A. system, as 666 enters the ring. Then I am the Game hits the P.A. and HHH goes down the ramp and enters the ring. The fanz cheer for HHH, as the cage is lowered around the ring. Ding! Ding! Ding! * 666 and HHH go into a tie up, and HHH breaks it up, with a Pedigree already. HHH tries to climb the cage, but 666 stops him half way up, and pulls him down. 666 hits a sharpshooter, and HHH almost taps out, but he twists his leg out of the move, and kicks 666 in the head, and 666 falls down. He gets back up, and the two enter a tie up. HHH whips 666 into the ropes, and when 666 comes back, he gives him a tough knee. Jim Ross Oh! A knee to stomach! That must kill! King I know! Isn’t it great? GO HHH! Jim Ross For once, King, we agree on who should win. 666 gets back up after a moment, just to meet, a Manhattan drop. 666 falls again, as HHH goes for a knee to leg. He executes the move and 666 roles in utter pain. HHH taunts and the fanz cheer. While HHH is taunting, 666 gets up, and begins climbing the cage. It isn’t until 666 has almost reached the top, that HHH notices. HHH climbs trying to grab 666 all the way. He finally does, but its 666’s hair, and 666 is climbing down the other side. 666, lets go of the fence, and tries his body-weight to force HHH to let go, but it doesn’t work, and 666 is hanging off the ledge by his hair. His hair starts to rip off, and 666 screams in pain. HHH tries to pull him up, but the hair finally gives in, and tears off. 666 falls fast, and slams onto the ground. Ding! Ding! Ding! Jim Ross Triple 6 has WON! This is not good! We have a new U.S.A. champion!!! King Oh No! This is horrible! Jim Ross Well, on to the next match. King After these messages. COMMERCIALS: Lugz Hungry man Dell Chef Boyardee with Triple H in it Lugz with KidKa$h in it * The commercials fade, and fireworks all around the ring blast off, and thousands of fanz cheer, psyched for the next match, as it being the main event. * Jim Ross Welcome back to Saturday Night Sanity! Our next match is the Main Event! Scott Street v. loZ in a falls anywhere match, starting off in the parking lot. King Come on, you stupid titantron! Go to the match! We’re waiting out here! Jim Ross It doesn’t start for thirty seconds, King. We can wait at least that long! King No, no I can’t J.R., I just can’t! Jim Ross 10 seconds to go! King 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1!!!!!! Jim Ross Here it is! King Phew, I didn’t think I’d make it! * The titan tron fades to the parking lot of the SwL, and loZ and Scott Street, have already starting beating the crap out of each other. * loZ hits a headlock, and smashes his face with a hard fist, and Scott falls down onto the cement. LoZ picks him back up, and shoves him against a car. Scott punches his way out of it, and super kicks loZ to the ground. LoZ gets back up, and suplexes Scott, onto the cement. Then, he picks up a chair that was on the ground, and smashes it on Scott’s head. Scott dodges the second one, blood on his face, and trips loZ with a kick. Then he gets up himself, and executes an ankle lock on loZ. LoZ simply reverses it, and smashes Scott’s head into the cement, and blood splatters all over the ground. Scott screams in agonizing pain, and hits another headlock, on the ground, and then slips it into a hammerlock. LoZ gets back up, and climbs on top of one of the cars. Jim Ross What’s he going to do up there? King Der, he going to jump off. LoZ jumps off the car, but Scott moves out of the way, and loZ hits the cement, splashing into Scott’s blood, adding some blood himself. Scott grabs the chair, and wildly whips it at loZ’s head. LoZ tries to dodge them, but fails miserably. Scott picks loZ up when he’s knocked out, and whips him into a car, through the front windshield. Glass sprinkles all around loZ, as he sits motionless. Scott Street pulls him out, and D.D.T.’s him onto the cement. Scott Street goes for the pin. ONE! TWO! THREE! Ding! Ding! Ding! Jim Ross The winner, and STILL world champion, Scott Street! This is amazing! King That match was just plain great! Jim Ross Well, the results for all the matches are right here! Match One: Sinn Match two: KidKa$h Match Three: Triple 6 and finally Match Four/Main Event: Scott Street! Well We’ll see Wednesday on Wednesday Revolution! King By, and remember, SwL is as good as it gets! Buy the tickets ASAP or they’ll be sold out! * The night fades, to thousands of screaming fanz. *