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Red Dragon Syndacite
A Specialists clan.
Member List
Join RDS!
Challenge us
Red Dragon Syndacite Background Information:
Red Dragon Syndacite (=RDS=) was originally on the excellent anime series Cowboy Bebop. A former member of the syndacite, Spike, goes after the head of RDS, Vicious, for revenge. They end up killing each other.
When I first downloaded The Specialists (TS) I thought it would be really great to have a clan of the Red Dragon Syndacite. So, here it is. We are a low-budget clan. We do not currently own our own server, but we have a designated server that we usually meet in. Joining this clan is not a strict ordeal. You don't have to be that good to get in. You just have to know what you're doing.

To join, just go to the Join RDS! page, fill out the form, and send it in. I will review it, and if I like the application, email you to try and set up a 'tryout' date to see how you play and if you are any good.

If you would like to challenge RDS to a match, go to the Challenge us page, fill out that form and send it in. I will review it, and email the sender about a date. Challengers will have to provide a server to play in, because as mentioned earlier, we have no clan server.

The member list is a simple as cereal for breakfast. It contains a list of all members, their rank, and some personal info (such as real name and email address).

The forum will be the heart of this website. It is where we will go to meet and talk about past experiences and what to look out for in certain situtions, what weapons are best to use. We will go there to set up games and post statistics from past clan matches. It will be very important to this website and clan.