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Article 1: The name of the society is Rock Art Society of India, and it is also known by the acronym RASI, as it is called hereinafter.


Article 2: The objects and purposes of RASI are :  Objects and Purposes


2.1. To provide a forum for the dissemination of research findings in the field of rock art studies and allied subjects.

2.2. To promote rock art studies as an independent discipline of knowledge.

2.3. To promote the scientific study, preservation and appreciation of rock art.

2.4. To facilitate communication and contact with overseas organisations and individuals possessing similar interests.

2.5. To facilitate communication and contact with agencies and individuals in related fields.

2.6. To develop an autonomous centre for the scientific study, documentation, preservation and appreciation of rock art and allied subjects.


Article 3: The conditions applicable to membership of RASI are:  Membership of RASI


3.1 The membership of RASI shall consist of Full Members (Including Life Members) Subscribing members and Subsidised Members.

3.2 Only Full Members will be eligible to quote membership as a professional qualification, by the placement of the initials FM following their academic qualifications (if any).

3.3 Individual membership of RASI is open to all who profess an active interest in rock art  research.

3.4 Institutional members of RASI are entitled to appoint an officer to act as their nominee.

3.5 An application for membership of RASI shall be made in writing to the Editor, on the prescribed form. Member­ship fees will be decided by the executive committee time to time.

3.6 Membership of RASI shall be contingent upon payment of life membership fee, or an annual membership fee, or, in the case of Subscribing Members, of an annual subscription fee.

3.7 Applications for Subsidies Membership shall be received and considered by the Editor.

3.8 A member of RASI may at any time resign from the association by way of a written notice of resignation.

3.9 A right, privilege or obligation of a person or virtue of membership is not capable of being transferred to another person and terminates upon the cessation membership.

3.10 Members of RASI are not liable to contribute towards payment of liabilities of the society.

3.11 The Executive Committee may expel a member of RASI if, in the opinion of the Committee, the member has been guilty of conduct detrimental to the interests of RASI.

3.12 Expulsion of a member does not take effect until the expiration of 14 days after notice has been served, unless the member exercises the right to appeal in which case the expulsion shall be decided upon by the first gener­al meeting thereafter.

3.13 Expulsion for non-payment of fees is not subject to approval by the Executive Committee or appeal.


Article 4: The Officers of RASI shall be subject to these rules: Officers of RASI


4.1. Elected officers shall be the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary and the Treasurer.

4.2. Nominated officers will be the patrons. They should be nominated unanimously by the executive committee.

4.3. Only those eminent persons may be nominated as patrons whose guidance, cooperation and help is very essential for the promotion of RASI and scientific studies of rock art and allied subjects.

4.4. Nominated officers shall hold office until the general meeting of RASI next after the date of their nomination, but are eligible for re-nomination.

4.5. Appointed officers shall be the Editor, the Archivist, and any consultants or members of committee appointed from time to time.

4.6. Elected officers shall hold office until the general meeting of RASI next after the date of their election, but are eligible for re-election maximum for three terms continuously.

4.7. The Editor and Archivist shall hold office until they resign in writing; cease to be members of RASI, or decease.

4.8. Consultants or members of committee shall hold office for the term nominated, or until the Executive Commit­tee terminates their commission.

4.9. The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected and nominated officers of RASI, the Editor, the Archivist, the Chairpersons of any standing or special committees, members of the Editorial Committee specifically nominated by the Editor, and the chairperson of each chapter (refer Article 11).

4.10. In the event of a casual vacancy occurring in the Executive Committee, the same may appoint a member of RASI to fill the vacancy until the following general meeting.

4.11. Only financial Full Members may be elected or appointed officers. This rule is not applicable to consultants and patrons.

4.12. Officers of RASI may not receive payment for their service.

4.13. Patrons shall provide expert guidance and patronage to the progress of RASI and scientific study of rock art and allied subjects.

4.14. The President shall represent RASI to the public, other organisations and individuals. He shall preside at meetings, decide on matters of parliamentary procedure, and co-ordinate the activities of the Executive Committee.

4.15. The Vice-President shall assist the President in his duties and powers, which he shall assume in the event of his absence or incapacity.

4.16. The Secretary shall assume the duties and powers of the President in the event that both the president and Vice-President are absent; keep a detailed record of minutes of meetings; prepare press releases ; conduct the correspondence of RASI; prepare annual reports ; and perform other duties as determined.

4.17. On the recommendation of the Secretary the executive committee may appoint a Joint - Secretary who will help the Secretary in the functioning and promotion of RASI.

4.18. The Treasurer shall keep true and faithful records of RASI's financial transactions; present a financial statement listing assets and liabilities to the membership at each general meeting ; and maintain a register of Full Members.

4.19. The Editor shall be responsible for the timely publication of PURAKALA and RASI Newsletter, and for other published material; he shall be responsible for maintaining a high scholarly standard and shall appoint members  of the Editorial Committee as he deems necessary.

4.20. The Archivist shall maintain and catalogue the library of RASI including published and unpublished materials, photographic and other visual material, film, video and digitised material; and act as an information resource on behalf of RASI.

4.21. The members of any committee shall be appointed, after consultation, by the President or Editor of RASI, and its size and terms of reference shall be decided in consultation with the Executive Committee.

4.22. Consultants may be appointed by the Executive Committee as deemed necessary. Their responsibilities, tenure and activities shall be specified at the time of their appointment.

4.23. It shall be acceptable for one officer to hold more than one office at a time, having been duly elected and/or appointed.


Article 5: The following shall apply to the income and property of RASI:  Income and Property


5.1.   Income, however derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects and purposes of RASI, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, by dividend, bonus or otherwise, to any member of RASI.

5.2.   RASI shall not appoint a person to any office to the holder of which there is payable any remuneration by way of salary, fees or allowances (other than the repayment of out-of pocket expenses).

5.3.   The Treasurer of RASI shall, on behalf of the society receive all monies paid to it, and deposit them in a bank account.

5.4.   Except with the authority of the Executive Committee, no payment shall be made from the funds of RASI other­ wise than by cheque drawn on the association's bank account.

5.5.   The bank account of RASI will be jointly in the names of the Secretary and Treasurer, and will be operated jointly by the signature of both the officers.

5.6.   Once in each financial year the accounts of RASI shall be available for examination to all Full Members.

5.7.   If upon the dissolution of RASI there remains any property whatsoever, the same shall be transferred to some other institutions having objects similar to RASI.

5.8.   The financial year of RASI is the one-year period beginning with the first day of January in each year.


Article 6  The following shall apply to the general meeting of RASI.  General Meeting


6.1. General meetings shall be held at approximate intervals of three years, at such date and venue as determined by the Executive Committee.

a. to confirm the minutes of the last preceding general meeting;

b. to receive the reports of Executive Committee members;

c. to elect the officers of RASI, for the subsequent three-years term;

d. to receive the reports of any committees or consultants

6.2. The date and venue of any general meeting shall be announced at least twelve months before the occurrence of such event.

6.3. The ordinary business of a general meeting shall be

6.4. In addition to the triennial general meeting, special general meetings shall be convened, on the request in writ­ing of not less than 100 Full Members of RASI.

6.5. All business that is transacted at ordinary general meetings of RASI and all business that is transacted at the triennial general meeting, with the exception of that specially referred to in these rules as being the ordinary business of the triennial general meeting, shall be deemed to be special business.

6.6. No item of business shall be transacted at a general meeting of RASI unless a quorum of members is present at the time.  

6.7.  The quorum for a general meeting of RASI shall be 100 Full Members.

6.8.  The quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee or other committees shall be four provided that all members of said committees have been notified of the meeting.


Article 7: Elections shall be conducted in accordance with these rules:  Election and Votes


7.1. A question arising at a meeting of RASI shall be determined on a show of hands and  unless before or on the declaration of the results of the show of hands a poll is emended, declaration by the chairperson that a resolution has been carried or lost, and an entry to that effect in the minute book of RASI shall be evidence of the fact.

7.2. Each Full Member or committee member has only one vote and all votes shall be given personally (except as allowed in 8.9).

7.3. In the case of an equality of voting on a question the chairperson of the meeting is entitled to exercise a second or casting vote.

7.4. A motion put to a vote shall be carried if it has the support of more than half of the voting  body.

7.5. Nominations of candidates for election as officers of RASI shall be made in writing, and indicate that the candidate’s consent has been obtained, and nominations shall be delivered to the Editor.

7.6. If insufficient nominations are received to fill all vacancies, the candidates nominated shall be deemed to be elected, and further nominations requested at the general meeting.

7.7. If the number of nominations equals the number of vaccines the candidates nominated shall be deemed to be elected.

7.8. If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies a ballot shall be held in such usual and proper manner as the Executive Committee may direct.


Article 8: Committees of RASI shall be subject to these rules:  Committees of RASI


8.1. Meeting of the Executive Committee or any standing or special committee may be  convened by any four of its members, after notice of at least two months has been given to all members of the committee concerned.

8.2. No business shall be transacted unless a quorum of four is present at a meeting of a committee.

8.3. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be chaired by the President, or in his absence the Vice-President or Secretary, or in the absence of all three, one of the members shall be elected as chair.

8.4. Questions arising at meetings of the Executive Committee or of any standing or special committee shall be determined on a show of hands, but consultants who are not members of RASI shall not be entitled to vote.

8.5.  Each member present at a meeting of any committee, being a Full Member of RASI, is entitled to one vote, and in the event of an equality of votes the person chairing may exercise a second or casting vote.

8.6.  Meeting of committees other than the Executive Committee shall be chaired by a member appointed chair by the President or Editor.

8.7.  Committees for specific purposes shall be standing or special. Standing committees shall include the Education Committee and Conservation Committee. Special committee may be established to organise symposia and publications, for instance.

8.8.  Committees for specific purposes may be appointed by the President or Editor, with appropriate consultation.

8.9.  Where specific questions being addressed at a meeting of any committee have been pre-circulated among committee members, voting by proxy is permissible where a member being present tables written instructions from the absent member. The absent member's instructions for proxy voting shall stipulate whether the proxy authorization covers all questions raised at the meeting, or is restricted to specific questions. In the latter case the specific questions covered shall be clearly defined.


Article 9: Member of RASI shall observe a professional code of Ethics.


Article 10: Publications of RASI shall be subject to these rules:  Publication of RASI


10.1. RASI shall publish the bi-annual journal PURAKALA under the supervision of the Editor, which shall be received by all Full Members, Subscribing Members and Subsidised Members, as well as organisations with whom RASI maintains reciprocal information exchange arrangements.

10.2.   RASI shall publish the occasional RASI Newsletter under the supervision of the Editor, which shall be received by all full Members.

10.3.   From time to time, RASI shall publish volumes of the RASI, occasional papers, or any other special publica­tions, under the supervision of the Editor.

10.4.  When required, the Editor, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall appoint special committees to address specific publication projects, or appoint editors for specific volumes to be published.

10.5.  The Editor shall appoint members of the Editorial Committee, which is a standing committee.


Article 11   Any chapters or sub-chapters of RASI shall be subject to these rules: Chapters of RASI


11.1. Where at least ten Life Members of RASI desire to form a local, regional, state or overseas chapter of RASI, they shall make written application to the Executive Committee.

11.2. Chapters of RASI are subject to the rules of this Constitution, as are their individual members.

11.3. Each Chapter of RASI shall elect or appoint a chairperson who shall represent the Chapter at the Executive Committee.

11.4. Provided that there is no discrepancy with the rules in this Constitution, Chapters of RASI may adopt any fur­ther rules or by-laws desired by their members.

11.5. Chapters of RASI may conduct independent meetings and  produce publications.


Article 12. Amendments to Constitution


Proposals to amend any rules of this Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Editor.  hey shall be gazetted in PURAKALA at least six months before the triennial general meeting where they are to be decided. An amendment must be supported by three-quarters of the voters present at the meeting to be passed, and it cannot be presented for voting if one half of those full Members who are not present have objected to the amendment in writing.