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This is just a list of clan that we feel that we can trust, that have shown us that they are competitive against us, but dont shit talk. They can be taken off the list however, if we feel they are no longer competition


If u are on this list, u are neither our friend nor enemy, we will figure out which side u are on soon tho

IvIystic Snipers

Channel: Clan IvIs
Leader: N/A
Created on: 011.022.002
Status: Active
Reason: N/A
Website: Clan IvIS
Bounty: None
Expert Sniper Assassins

Channel: Clan ESA_
Leader: Sniper[ESA]
Created on: 002.017.003
Status: Growing
Reason: N/A
Website: Clan ESA_
Bounty: None


If u are on this list, ur are very hated by us, tagbanned, or just becuz ur a bunch of dumb, shit talking newbs, its one thing to shittalk, but if u cant back it up dont even start

Stoned Sharp Shooters

Channel: Clan s[S]s
Leader: s[S]s-phuck
Created on: 003.001.003
Status: DEAD
Reason: They just are a buncha newb shit talkers, s[S]s-gosunami is the funniest nigger tho ;) Quote: s[S]s-GoSuNaMi: u lost, dont call us newb no more
Website: N/A
Bounty: If u kill this clan, ur reward is free membership into Clan RaNgE, and a position in our Underground Squad