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Hello and welcome to my pathetic site. As you can tell, I obviously do not update very often. I am Raistlenn, webmaster of this miniscule site. Instead of having an actual website, this will be an archive/calendar of projects of various games that I am working on. I do mods/graphics/levels/games/maps for the following games: Wolfenstein 3-d/ SOD, ZZT, Jetpack, and what ever else I feel like doing. You will be able to download games as soon as I’m finished with them, and sometimes even before. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or want to beta any of my projects, Email me at Be sure to check back occasionally for updates.

------------------Recent Updates------------------

June 24, 2003
I’m still here; I just have a crappy computer to work with. IE is retarded, Windows XP sucks, and DOS is still good. At the moment, all I can do are ZZT games, and Wolf3d maps. I’ve decided that, since I no longer am activly working on Jetpack modules, I will send anyone who asks the LBM (graphics) file, provided that they agree to give me proper credit where due. I am learning basic C++ from an online tutorial. I’m too tired to think of anything else. Go away.
June 3, 2003
Due to some stupidity of my own, and the fault of the AntiEXE virus, my computer is down. All project progress has come to a halt. I shall continue to post updates.
May 29, 2003
I moved my website about three days ago, but never got around to updating. I’ll need to reload my Jetpack modules/levels soon, and post my ZZT toolkit also. I’ve also come to the conclusion, that, unless I do advertising on the forums, I won’t very much traffic. IE sucks, and SPAM is quite different than Spam (note the caps). Nobody cares and WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I other news, I’ve started various ZZT games that will never see the light of day, I’ve started on a Wolfenstein project TC that uses Wolfendoom graphics (which, BTW I need to get permission before I can release my game), and will be 1-2 episodes long (about five levels are finished, a sixth is in progress,) I’ve started on a Doom one- level PWAD (but I don’t know how to make sectors using DETH), and I need to start on a new Jetpack module. Also, as a result of IE’s suckiness, I am forced to use Microsoft Word to do html. I truly hate buggy browser errors *coughIEcough*.
