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Hey look!  It's that oval from the Figures guide!  And it has hair on it!  Here is where we reshape the oval into the face.  
Remember that half of your head is your face and the other half is forehead.  If you forget this... you'll either have a flat-headed or a small-headed character.
See the red lines?  Those are your friends.  The red lines help guide where everything goes.  The red line curving up the center of the face will be the judge of where the head is positioned.  
Notice the curves in the face where the arrows point.  It's very common for the jaw line to curve in, depending on the angle of the character.

Now, normally the eyes go between the top and the bottom of the ear.  So draw your lines according to that.  As you can see, his head is tilted.  So the left (your left) eye has become further away from you.  Because of this and the rules of sight, the left eye must become smaller.  So there it is.  Don't forget the eye brows!

Now that the eyes are in, we must fit in the nose.  Also remember that the face is round and not flat.  So the nose is placed in the middle. So the nose is placed in the middle.  Notice that the middle of the face starts at the chin and curves up with the face.  

Not much I can say here.  Just look at the picture.  It pretty much explains itself.  The mouth has gone directly below the nose with only a minimal amount of space in between.  Below the mouth is a mark of the lower lip.  It's a nice touch to take up facial space.  Remember to leave room for a chin.