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<- Draw an oval.  If you're shape illiterate please see this page.  Don't spend an hour perfecting the oval.  You can do the reshaping later.  For now... it's just an oval.

The shoulders have been constructed with a straight line with one half of a circle on each end.  The face and chest direction have been
represented with a curved line.  These lines are your friends.  Use them.
This one is very similar to the above.  Please stare at the chest and meditate on the lines used to create it.  Notice that the waist has been drawn in by a simple circle and the arms and legs have been substituted with lines to determine the length. 
Please notice though that in this drawing the upper portion of the arms have been drawn in.  This addition shows the need of the shoulder circle halves to create the shoulder-like qualities.
Here we have the finished outline.  Notice the curved legs and arms.  Muscle tone is very important in limbs.  Please do not draw lumpy or its opposite, not lumpy, arms and legs.  They are evil.  Avoid them.
The normal human arm, even when only exercised for chip dipping will have some muscle to an extent.  Whether the muscle has been absorbed and surrounded in fat, I do not know.  The legs also contain muscle.  While not being very professional at muscle drawing, I take pride in my stubby knees and flabby back sides.  Please take the time to consider these traits in the majority of people.