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·         Job Cost Sheet
Job Number: 1                                                                                   Date Initiated: April 2
                                                                                                           Date Completed: May 14
                                                                                                           Units Completed:  50
Direct Materials
Ingredient                                            Amount needed     Cost per unit                         Total Cost
Flour                                                    40 ounces              $0.029                                   $1.16
Granulated sugar                                8 ounces                $0.044                                   $0.35
Brown Sugar                                        12 ounces              $0.062                                   $0.74
Eggs                                                      2                             $0.29                                     $0.58
Chocolate Chips                                  8 ounces                $0.12                                     $0.96
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups               14 ounces              $0.25                                     $3.50
Butter                                                  4 ounces                $0.24                                     $0.96
Direct Labor
Employee                              Hours                                    Rate                       Total 
Mixer                                    1                                            $10                         $10
Baker                                    3                                            $10                         $30
Timer                                    1                                            $8                           $8
Materials Purchaser            1                                            $8                           $8
Manufacturing Overhead
(expenses include indirect materials such as cookie sheets, vanilla, baking 
soda, hand mixers, cooking spray, quality control salary, utilities, equipment, 
janitor salaries, etc.)
Direct Materials                   Predetermined Overhead Rate                           Total Cost
$4.97                                                    $2                                                          $15.34
Total Job Cost: $79.01
Units Produced: 50
Cost per unit: $1.58
We feel that this two dollars definitely does not make sense for our group. Many of our expenses came 
from direct materials such as size of bowls, size of cookie sheets, etc., however, if overhead was only
 about $10, that might not be enough for even the quality controls salary.  Therefore, since it takes so 
many people to make such a cheap product, it would be more reasonable to use direct labor cost.  That 
is the driver we feel best estimates our expenses.  Since we probably spent a lot more on overhead than 
expected we plan to either change our driver or maybe just raise the predetermined overhead rate.
·         Number of Cookies Produced
       71=50 + 8 + 2 +10 +1
·         Size of cookies before baking: 1 inch
·         Size of cookies after baking 3 ¼  inches
·         Throughput time
      1 hr + (20 min * 6) + 15 min + 2 hr + 1 hr = 6 hours and 15 minutes