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version » » dialated. spawned on 04.06.03.
wide open dictates my new sense of character. nothing is going to be hidden anymore. everything is coming out, whether you like it or not. (and yes my eyes in the graphic are dialated due to an ingested toxic substance.)

who am i »
ant. the original. the only. twenty one. black. male. houston. texas. five feet. ten inches. buck something.creative. obnoxious. sarcastic. smartass. hopeless romantic. designer. producer. writer. shit talker. goofy. hip hop. r&b. rock. techno. old school. freak. innocent. impatient. spoiled. addicted to attention. inet vet. brutally honest. loves females. loves spanish. addicted to eyes. and um.... i'm ant. ya'll know me.

music of the moment »

"Day 2 Day Grindin' - Mike Jones and Magnificent feat Chamillion
(music subject to change semi-daily)

linkage »




Wednesday, April 9, 2003

boiling hot
|| 7 skribblez || gbook || cpixel luv || hook me up ||
pissed off man! [/end chris tucker voice] i fucking hate video games with a passion sometimes. especially EA Sports games. man what a fucking rip off. sure they make the most realistic sports games out there, but at the same time, their shit can be so garbage. check it: if you decide to play on an all-star level of any game, the computer is just supposed to play smarter and make less mistakes. right? oh hell nah... not EA games. i just got through playing like 5 different basketball games in a row. Sacramento vs Knicks. Number 2 team versus the 23rd team. C'mon now! First half... im playing good. up by 10-15 points. oh but EA games decides at the half to make 2% of your shots go in, all your damn passes picked off by the computer, all your drives to the lane end up as offensive fouls, all your blocks end up ass defensive fouls, but yet the other team doesn't miss a shot and doesn't make ANY mistakes. ok... realistic? yeah im so sure. and what about iverson out jumping chris webber and blocking a dunk of his. man... what in the fuck? i'm seriously thinking about writing EA and telling them to fix this shit because that's not what an all-star level of gaming should be. ok, let me stop whining

let me talk about more serious shit. shit like how god thinks its soooooooooo funny to fuck with me when it comes to the opposite sex. i know this girl that i would love to talk to that has been thinking a lot about me lately.... but through circumstances i care not to explain, i CAN'T have her. smh. gee... thanks a lot god. blahz. shit like this just irks the fuck outta me. i can't wait til i'm married and happy. through with all this damn courting and fucking with dumb females that don't deserve my time. argh! i know im tripping now... but let me vent please. kthx.

i'm finally getting out this weekend. kappa beach party. wooo [/end sarcasm] in case you don't know, kappa beach party is when a buncha black schools all pile down into galveston on a weekend... make all the white people leave the island while the black people take over and basically try to find different people to fuck and what not. woo hoo...! cess pool of STDs. can't wait! i can't front... the first year i went was about 3 years ago and it was maaaaad fun. i mean i didnt meet females to fuck or anything... i was just wilding out with my boy walking around, talking about people, flirting with females, taking pictures with females, etc. the second year... i dunno. i think it was a fat hoe convention or something. all i saw was barry white looking broads with gold teeth in 2 piece bikinnis. man... if you weigh over 250 lbs, your ass does not need to be in a 2 piece. especially if your skin tone is like that one dood from amistad and gladiator. then they got the nerve to wear bright ass colors and shit, looking like a big ass whale in a crossing guard uniform. smh.... so sad. so i after that horrible experience, i vowed never to go again. but i think im gonna go this weekend just to get away from houston... even if its only for a day. might be fun. i got my system in my car yesterday... finally. copped a roc-a-wear unit today so i should be fly down there. who knows, i may meet a respectable lady down there that might become my wifey.... yeah right. luck like that never knows how to stumble upon me. its all gravy though. i just gotta be optimistic and shit.

optimistic. =0/

blahz. i need to find happiness again. quickly. i think im very dependent on self-content. if im content then everything works out perfectly. content. content. content.

speaking of content, im off to sleep where content runs rampant. the only place i can find content. sleep. night.... bishez.

• • • ant'd at 10.06.PM • • •

Monday, April 7, 2003

a rare oddity
|| 4 skribblez || gbook || cpixel luv || hook me up ||

can u actually believe it? i'm blogging back to back. holy shit!!! when's the last time i did that? damn, since um, antchoviez? sheesh. nah, i told ya'll im going back to my old self when it comes to this web thing. i actually miss it, believe it or not. one thing that does annoy me is idle annoying chit chat. i mean back in the day, i used to love conversing in aim on the net, but now, its like i dont wanna be bothered.... well i mean bothered by anyone who i dont know. yanno, i have my set of friends that i always talk to and shit, but its the people that i really dont know that i want to get to know me that sometimes irk me. its not their faults though, im just not as social as i used to be. if i'm on the net, then im usually on for a set purpose. all my social skills are excersized on diffferent forums. iunno, maybe i'll change.

well in real world news, i think i've finally realized that i'm a pussy. yup, a big ol' sweaty vagina. as much as i try to get over my shyness, a lot of it still exists in me and i can't get away from it completely for shit. let's see.... 3 different chicks i'm scheming on and i haven't the guts to talk to any one of em. the first one is this girl that works at the cleaners. she's maaaaaaad cute, and i catch her looking at me all the time when i go in shit as if "muhphucka, why dont you talk to me?!" but for some reason i can only get out topics such as "yeah, i want these jeans lightly starched." i just feel like slapping myself sometimes. then, directly across the street, there's this other girl that works at what-a-burger. i've caught her eye plenty of times as well. i've even gone so far as to write my number down in hopes that i'd actually work myself up enough to slide her my number. have i done it yet? n0pe. and i've had the oppurtunity like 5 times in the last week. man wtf?! and lastly, there's this girl i've been wanting to talk to soooooooooooo bad for like 2 years now. it's kinda crazy, cuz i know her name and i know where she lives. she went to my highschool but graduated a year before me. we never had a class together, but i like no such much about her. i see her all the time at the mall (where she works) and i've actually gone up and talked to her before... but not in a flirting manner. but lately, its like i can only look and keep trucking. i don't know what it is about her that intimidates me. maybe it's her german accent. i don't know. she's a hottie though. *two thumbs up* why has god inflicted me with this fear of rejection. i need to get over this shit quickly. oh well. i'll survive.

today, school was pretty cool. sure it was the first day and all, but i think i'll enjoy this class. its for macromedia director. if you dont know what that is, then dont even ask cuz i could never explain it fully. very basically, its the program that puts shit like enhanced cd's together... but its used for a lot more than that. but yeah, the teacher seems pretty cool and she's kinda cute. lol. thats always a good thing. wednesday i have webdesign (oooh, how easy is that?) with mr. lewis.... like the most laid back teacher ever that lets me do what the fuck i want to because he knows i have skills.... haha. then on friday i have flash with mr. salinas.... the other coolest teacher in the land that lets me slide with whatever. i need to raise my gpa up BADLY because last quarter... damn. i refuse to publicize it cuz it's so embarassing. no more clubbing and partying for ant. like i do much of that these days anyways. well... i'm actually about to do some homework that's not due until like next monday. i'm trying to turn over a new leaf. i'm out. peashez

• • • ant'd at 04.29.PM • • •