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' The Genetic Revolution '
Roleplay Title88
My Arival
Overall Record88
W - 01 |L - 00 | D - 01
Beaten Opponants88
Roleplay Number88

The Layout and banners were made by John Wilson, if you feel like you want to use it then ask him. This role-play however belongs to me Ray Symonds, do not steal this role-play if you do I will find out some how and there will be hell to pay. Enjoy the role-play.
As Bad Blood kicks off from Oakland,California in front of a sold out arena. As the pyros are going off the camera pans around the arena showing the thousands apon thousands of fans.

The scene then goes to the backstage area and shows a black limo pulling up. As the limo slowly pulls to a stop Ric Flair gets out and begins to walk to the back of the car. Batista then gets out of the other side of the limo and walks to the back and gets his gear and the two men start walking intot he arena as the camera man follows them.

:::Ric Flair:::
Dave...Tonight is the night...tonight is a very special night...tonight we make DWF history when you regain your title...the title you never lost...Now I know we had plans on winning the belt on RAW but just imagine how much better it will tongiht in front of this sold out arena....It will mean so much more...

::: Batista:::

Ric...your right because tonight I meet Raven in a Three stages of hell match....possibly the most dangerous match up ever created....Tonight I am going to do exactly what I have been saying since I arrived in the DWF...I am the one can beat me...and what Raven did last Monday on RAW was the biggest fluke ever in sports entertainment...and the simple fact that this match is even is taking a gift from god to Raven...because as far as I am concerened....I beat Raven Once and you can bet your ass...tonight I will beat Raven...until he is nothing but a lifeless carcus.

Batista and Flair begin to laugh and Flair then gets a serious look on his face and looks Batista directly in the eye.

:::Ric Flair:::
Dave as funny as that may seem...tonight...we need to make sure that you take care of buisness and do whatever is needed to walk away the DWF Heavyweight Champion...Because this could be your last shot...this could be the last chance you get to become the Champion...and you need to do whatever is make sure you walk away with the gold.

::: Batista:::

Ric you dont need to lecture me about the importance of this match and the importance of tonight...I know damn well that tonight is possibly the biggest night of my career...tonight can either make or break me...If I dont walk away with the win tonight....who knows what will happen in the future...but I promise this to you Ric...I walk away tonight with the win....The Wreslting world will change forever.

:::Ric Flair:::
Your damn right....Dave tonight we will change the wrestling world forever...tonight after you defeat Raven and you capture the DWF World Heavyweight Championship...because once after you win that gold you will become the greatest Champion of all time...because are the best thing to happen to Professional Wrestling...since....well...Me...WHOOOOOOO!!!!...just think of it like this Dave you are the Genetic are what I was...but better...and with my are damn near unstopable...Just think of it are bigger...better...and well come to think about are just as good looking as myself....Together we are unstopable

::: Batista:::

I couldnt agree with you more Dave...We are two great looking men...and who could stop us....noone comes to my mind...and tonight we prove to the world that Raven can't hang at my level...we show the world that Raven doesnt deserve to stand in the same ring with me.

:::Ric Flair:::
Well Dave lets get going...we need to get unpacked and get ready and start talking stragtegy...we cant take Raven lightly because he is in this match for a lets get down to business.

::: Batista:::

Alright...well lets get unpacked...I want to start my workout and then take my shower...we can talk about strategy while I am working out....does that sound good to you Ric?

:::Ric Flair:::
Sounds great Dave...nothing can go wrong tonight...we are gonna Style and Profile like never before...WHOOOOO!!!!.

As Flair is talking both men start to walk into the locker room and all of a sudeen Batista's cell phone rings and Batista pauses by the door and answears the phone.

::: Batista:::

Hello...Oh my god...I cant believe its you...WOW...I havnt talked to you since....God I cant even remember....But how the hell have you been man...Oh thats great...What...your gonna be here tonight...Thats great...Im cant wait to see you man...its gonna be just like old times.?

:::Ric Flair:::
Who the hell is that Dave....Excuse me...Dave...Who are you talking to?

::: Batista:::

Hey man Hold on just a sec....Ric What do you want...Cant you see I am on the phone...give me a sec and I will tell you who is on the phone...Alright...I'm back...So when you showing up here....Soon...alright...well hey man I will be in my locker room...swing by and we will catch up....Alright...Peace.

Batista finishes up his conversation and hangs up the phone. And looks at Flair.

:::Ric Flair:::
Who the hell was that...And why couldnt you tell me who it was...

::: Batista:::

Well it was...Well come here and I will whisper it to you(Flair walks of to Batista and Batista whispers something in Flairs ear and you cant hear what he has said.)Yeah he just so happens to be coming back tonight...I cant wait to see him...Its gonna be amazing. But lets get working on that strategy.

Batista and Flair then walk into the locker room as the show then goes to the ring for some action.