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' The Genetic Revolution '
Roleplay Title88
Promoting Bad Blood
Overall Record88
W - 01 |L - 00 | D - 01
Beaten Opponants88
Roleplay Number88

The Layout and banners were made by John Wilson, if you feel like you want to use it then ask him. This role-play however belongs to me Ray Symonds, do not steal this role-play if you do I will find out some how and there will be hell to pay. Enjoy the role-play.
Bad Blood is just a few days away and all of the DWF Superstars are visiting T.V. shows and radio shows to promote DWF's first PPV. Batista just so happens to be on a special that MTV is having about Professional Wrestling. The show is going great and then there is a sitdown interview with MTV's own Hilarie Burton.

:::Hilaire Burton:::
Hello Ladies and Gentelmen...Welcome back to MTV...Life as a pro wrestler...Tonight has been very interesing so far...and I am about to sit down with a very interesting man...DWF's own Dave Batista.

As Hilaire finishes her statement and introduces Batista the big man walks into the room and then goes and sits down right next to the blonde bombshell.

::: Hilaire Burton:::

Welcome Dave...It is my honor to get a closer look into what fuels you and makes you want to be a professinal wrestler...and I would like to thank you for your time.

:::Batista :::

Well its my privledge to be apart of a program like this...I think what your doing is gives a chance to the kids that are growing up and watching see what truly goes on in our sport...and it gives them an idea if they want to consider a career in this profession.

::: Hilaire Burton:::

Well that raises a very interesting question...when you were growing up and watching proffesinal wrestling...what made you choose this...why did Dave Batista want to become a Wrestling Superstar?


I use to watch the greats like Hulk Hogan,Ric Flair and Jimmy Snuka just to name a few...I just was in love with the idea that you could pretty much do whatever you wanted in the ring...and the people would cheer you on...I remember watching Hulk Hogan body slam Andre The Giant and saying to myself...I want to do that...I want to be that man...But to be honest with you...Back when I was watching professional wrestling as a kid...the product was alot different...Back when I was a kid...there was the so called "bad guys" and the so called "good guys" and you always hated the "bad guys" and liked the "good guys" not so easy...the fans dont want to be told who to like...So to make the sport more marketable things had to change...I mean...twenty years ago you would never of seen a barb wired match and you would never see a three stages of hell matchup...but as the company do the stakes...each match has to be bigger and better then the last...

:::Hilaire Burton:::

Interesting...Now I understand that in proffesinal wrestling there are many different companys that you could work for...just to name a few there is WWE...NWA...DWF...and the list just goes on...what made you choose to sign with DWF and what does DWF stand for exactly?


DWF stands for Disturbed Wrestling Federation...and the reason I have signed an exclusive contract with DWF is for one reason...DWF is the best company in this industry right now...There is none better...I have worked for a bunch of companys and been threw alot...but I have never worked for a company that is better then DWF...I could go on and on about how great this company is...but all you need to do is tune in on June 22 and watch DWF's first PPV back...and compare it to anything you ever have seen and I will never watch another promotion again...its that simple....

:::Hilaire Burton:::

If you dont mind me asking...What do you think seperates DWF from the rest...If you could say one thing about DWF that seperates it from the rest...what would that be.


Flat out...The Owner is a genious....he knows everything that needs to be known...he knows how to promote everything...and he knows how to treat his talent...I have never worked for another company that makes you feel so at home...And the owner...The Boss....only signs the best in the industry....and also has one hell of an eye for talent...right now in the DWF we have some of the best up and comers...

:::Hilaire Burton:::
You said that you have worked for other promoters...and that you now only work with The DWF...what is the reason for that...and why hold yourself to limits...couldnt you just work from company to company?


Well like I said...I have worked for many other companys...and I have been up and down the road...but the reason for signing with DWF and only DWF is because I need to start looking out for my career and if I jump from company to doesnt speak very highly for shows that I am not very dedicated...And plus there is always the simple fact...that I only want to work for the best...and I just dont think I would be able to work for a second rate company...its that simple.

:::Hilaire Burton:::
Alright well lets talk about some of your accomplishments...what are they...and could you share them with us.


Good question...well I am a former three time WWFRaisinghell Champion...former DWF Intercontiental Champion...former DWF T.V. Champion...Former DWF Heavyweight Champion...and former XWA United States Champion...But to be honest each one of these belts had there own personal meaning...but none of them meant us much as winning the DWF Heavyweight Champion....And this Sunday I get my chance to regain the title I never lost.

:::Hilaire Burton:::
Okay...thats very interesting...Now I heard you talk about the DWF's first PPV back...what is that called...and I understand that you have a very big match...please tell us about it.


Well the PPV is called Bad Blood and this is the first PPV since DWF reopened its doors....And at the PPV I will be in the main event...I will be facing a man called Raven in what some call the most dangerous matchup...3 Stages of hell...And the winner of this matchup walks away with the richest prize in the game....The DWF World Heavyweight Championship belt.

:::Hilaire Burton:::
Now you say that this Sunday you are going for the world title and that you have a chance to win back the Title you never lost...what exactly does that mean?


Well DWF has been my home for awhile now and but since joining DWF it has had its ups and downs just like any company and in that time...DWF has closed its doors on two seprate occasions...and the last time I had just captured the DWF Title and was actually forced to give my title back to the owner when the doors were closed.

:::Hilaire Burton:::
Wow that sounds like it really hurt...and this Sunday you get a match to regain this title again...What does this matchup mean for you...How important is the matchup...and are you looking forward to it?


I hate to be rude but what type of question is that...I just told you that this match is for the richest prize possible in our company...This belt means the world to me...When you are the DWF Champion...your are the best in the have the title of being the best...and that is what you stive for in this industry...if you dont want to be the best...then you have no reason to be in this company...I am considered to be one of the best in the DWF...and at Bad Blood I will show the world that I am the best...and there is nothing anyone is going to do that will change that...

:::Hilaire Burton:::

Okay well Dave I would like to thank you for coming and sitting down and talking with us and I wish you the best at the PPV and I hope you come out on top....And right now we need to head to a commercial break don't change that channel there is more when you come back

:::Scene :::

As Hilaire finishes her statement the show cuts to commercial.