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Ok, this is the site for the CM4 pool league. I'm keeping it simple (for a start anyway) because i just want to get it up and running.

Every week, after each round of fixtures there will be a round-up of the weeks events here.

Latest News 9/6/03

Updated Premiership Fixtures and Premiership Entrants.

Latest News 8/6/03

Now under Tehuti management.

Updated Premiership and Division 1 League Tables, and Division 1 Fixtures.

Latest News 6/6/03

New fixtures for Div 1 and the prem up. A few delayed fixtures which i would like played ASAP. The Premiership players will all play each other twice(18 games) and the Div1 players will play each other 3 times(15 games).

At the end of the season i will be evening up the 2 divisions so the bottom 3 people in the premiership will go down and the top from Division 1 will go up(new relegation/promotion postitions represented on league)

Latest News 4/6/03

The site has been updated in preperation for Division 1. The rules have been updated. Most notably the fact that the Premiership players will only play each other twice now(18 games). The number of game for the 1st division is still to be confirmed as we still dont know how much people it will have.

The bottom of the premiership player will be relegated and the top of the Division 1 player will be promoted. A play-off may occur between the 2nd bottom of the prem and 2nd top of Div1 to determine another promotion/relegation. This is dependant on wheter we have enough people in Div1.

At the end of the league players near the bottom of the premiership may be relegated to Division 1 to even out the leagues. Again, this depends on the number of people in Division 1

In this round one of the favourites at the beggining, Nuggy, has fallen even further behind. Can he find his form and catch up with the mighty OOTER and Liam? Things have changed at the bottom too, with Toninio pulling away and Jambo going bottom on goal difference.

Quick Note: All delayed games(apart from the arranged delayed ones) have 1 week to be played or we will be forced to get new participants


Monday 6pm - All results from Friday fixtures must be in

Monday 7-9pm - Results processed and new fixtures start

Friday 6pm - All results from Monday fixtures must be in

Friday 7-9pm - Results processed and new fixtures start

Please do not start the next round of fixtures early as it will just complicate things. Of you are not going to be able to play a certain round of fixtures then notify PhilHno1 or Tehuti and an alternate date for the game can be arranged. Please only use this in extreme circumstances





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