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What's What in Politics

Check up on the world

Hello and welcome to my page where I view what is going on in Washington today. Do not worry I am niether republican nor democrat. I shall try to be as impartial as I can but as we all know on some issues that is impossible. Well President Bush we went to war. We went because we were in iminent danger from Iraq and their weapons of mass destruction. We have found no weapons of mass destruction so there are a few possibilities. Either our intelligence agencies really swung and missed on this one, we were lied to, or President Bush manipulated some government agencies which information is starting to point to. This is basically what happened with Nixon and watergate only this time we lost billions of dollars, several american lives, and thousands of innocent lives in the process. It seems there is always going to be something about politics and scandal that make them fit so well. This is bigger than Clinton too to all you republicans his lies were just personal and didnt cost america billions. I think we will need to wait and see what pans out from these events as time rolls on. I hope we dont have to go through another presidential scandal again for the sake of america. I shall update more as time dictates with more opinions
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