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News Archive
Friday, 11 July 2003

Thanks, Lyric!

This is such an awesome pic! Thanks a bunch, Lyric!!

posted by: rizki

Thursday, 10 July 2003

Webmaster's Log - Entry date July 10, 2003
Well, I don't really have anything to say. I did nothing to the site. At all.

posted by: rizki

Day Five -- What the hell am I gonna do now?
Ok, so I've reached the point with this site that there's really not much more I can do with it. I'm going to start advertising it and such, so more people will go to it, and therefore more people will submit things. Right? Right. I think I may have found a use for CFM now.... Well, actually, no. I've scrapped the idea. It was to let the members edit and add stuff to the site as they pleased. That's a really bad idea... So, back to square one. (square one being 'I really don't know what the hell I'm doing here') So....

Anyway, I'll be leaving for a vacation this Saturday (the 12th) and I won't get back until the following Saturday (the 19th). So you won't see any updates. Much like these past couple days.

posted by: rizki

Monday, 07 July 2003

Webmaster's Log - Entry date July 7, 2003
Did quite a bit of work today. (and when I say today, I mean the 7th.) Made two new pages. I'd say that's pretty good. Made the 'submit' page, which allows visitors to send me stuff to put up on the site. I also made the 'CFM' page. There isn't anything going on with that as of yet, just one member (besides me), Quisty. The same Quisty that submitted the monkey GIF (see post below). I don't know what CFM will be for yet... But, I assure, whatever I do with it will probably be very stupid and pointless. Still, gonna be fun. Pretty much all I did today. Note: Most of the time I'll put up a log entry after midnight. I stay up late. It's fun.

posted by: rizki

First Submission! Thanks, Quisty!

Quisty sent us this excellent GIF of an insanely happy monkey. Thanks for gettin' the ball rollin'! I look forward to all your future contributions! (if any)

posted by: rizki

The frustration sets in (aka Day Two)
Ok, now we're on the second day of this site's existence, and I can't think of a damn thing to put on it. So, this is what I decided: Visitors will be able to send me stuff (jokes, images, etc.) and I'll put it up on the site. I'll set up the guidelines on the 'Submit' page. And, as soon as I get something, I'll remove all news items from the front page and just use this blog. I'll put all things submitted up on the front page instead.

Get sending!

posted by: rizki

Sunday, 06 July 2003

Webmaster's Log - Entry date July 6, 2003
Today I spent a few hours messing around with the logo (the big thing at the top of the page), tried some different things with it. None of 'em really worked right, so I went with the traditional (i.e. boring) "banner" logo. It seems to work well enough. I used the same style for my "NAV" bar (over there to the left). That's basically all I did today.

The Beginning of the End (aka Day One)
July 6, 2003... A date which will live in infamy... Is that the right word? 'Infamy'? I'm not sure I even spelled it right... Bah, who knows. Today is the day I begin this website, starting with absolutely no ideas and almost no skills. It should be a fun ride, no?

posted by: rizki