Peter Conrad's Personal Information

"In the future, everyone will have their own boring home page." -Andy Warhol overheard chatting with Nico, 1967


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Bill G.
It's Me! (NOT)
It's Really Me!
It's Me!

I am a Connecticut Yankee and Baby Boomer in my 50's transplanted to Upstate New York after the Vietnam War and from there I have lived in several states across the country. I worked in the fields of Electronics and then Computer Technology for many years. I am retired now and am cruising on my Tanzer 7.5 "Pocket Yacht" where I liveaboard and travel the waterways of the world.

The Skipper Sailing Along
Sailing Along
I enjoy sailing, hiking, travel, and cruising aboard my boat. I have hiked almost every major trail in the U.S. (including the Appalachian and Pacific Crest along with part of the Continental Divide) and have sailed the Caribbean Sea, the Sea of Cortez, the Gulf of Mexico, across the Atlantic to the Mediterranean Sea, and the Pacific on the West Coast and off Hawaii.
It's Me the DJ!
It's Me the DJ!
I dabble in art, illustration photography and music; and love to read - especially historical, fantasy and science fiction. I like to listen to scanner and shortwave communications along with a fascination with any new technology.
Desert Scene at El Dorado Ranch Estates
The Ranch
I have some land in Baja del Norte, Mexico at El Dorado Ranch Estates outside San Felipe near the Sea of Cortez, also know as the Gulf of California. I plan to use it as a vacation and "retirement" place as soon as I have a straw-bale house constructed on the land. I'll use alternative energy from the sun and wind to power it along with a satellite dish for telecommuting.
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Gee Whiz!!!

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The potential readership of this page is greater than that of the best-selling paperback. Think of that!

Does this qualify for my Warhol 15 minutes of fame?

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Created: Monday December 02, 1996
Updated: Wednesday May 18, 2005

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