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"We need more people who specialize in the impossible."

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(Hits: 10)
MaxWebPortal is a web portal and online community ...
byte count
(Hits: 3)
This is a utility that shows a list of how many fi...
jv16 Power Tools
(Hits: 2)
The tool to clean up and tune your computer.

Top 10 Articles
Ten Reasons to Go to Work Naked
Reasons why you can go to office naked...

The Law of Murphy and Others
The Law of Murphy and Others

New Software Wife 1.0
New Software Program

" ****** Virus Warning ****** "
A new VIRUS to watch out!!!

Problems in Heaven
Problems in having a marriage in heaven!

If Microsoft Built Cars...
At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the au...

Rules of Work
13 Rules of Work

Partners and Marriage
This lengthy article is a worthwhile read for those of us readying to settle down. See whether your ...

Software Versions
This article explains the meaning of software version names

Country Domain List
A list of Domain names

Link of the day

PCWEB SUPPORT Resources Portal
"Ex-designz is your definitive one stop resources portal."

- sent by RushPlay-
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We Are Only Interested in Working When the Rent Is Due!
The Start of a New Movement
Posted by master March,  2003
02:12:52 AM
By Paul Sharke, Associate Editor

PC911Supports WebMaster Revx2k1 has decided to dump the MWP Software the site has been using from the beggining of their arrival to the Web.  Revx2k1 was quoted as saying, "Due the the unethical, imoral, and flat out stupidity of the MWP Staffs ability to communicate with the public in a descent proper way I have come to the conclusion that they SUCK.  To continue using their software would be most insulting to my intelleigence, after all I AM THE WEB GOD like it or not!"  Meanwhile critics of the new software "MaxiPadWebPortal wich has been produced by the self proclaimed "Web God" RevX2K1 have been noted as saying the software does have its own nitch with its new pattented Wings designed for your comfort and ease of use with the Portal Software however, most say the Rev2k1 is an arrogant asshole by proclaiming to be a WEB GOD.

THE BBC has included a Preview Screen Shot of the New Portal Software.

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Dreamers and doers see hope for the PCW...
Posted by master March   2003    
Las Vegas, Nevada - The Daily Planet  Former Vice President of PC911 Rush2jc has  abandon and severed all ties with PC911 SUPPORT saying the owner Revx2k1 Self Proclaimed WEB GOD Theory is totally out of line and that dumping the MaxWebPortal Software was the biggest mistake that the self proclaimed Web God has ever made.  Rush2jc was quoted as saying, "I have represented a company offering Support to the public and have found that the company itself is who needs some support.  I have tried to get projects up and off the ground to excell the companys growth and have been shot down with every proposal.  They Only want to make money when the rent is due.  That means throwing together a half ass job and embarassment for me.  I am walking away from PC911 SUPPORT and Rising Up with A New Portal Sight PCWEB SUPPORT which will define its name." 
More as details become available.
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CAD Company Establishes Website for Mode...
Posted by master March 2003
01:34:42 AM
BELLINGHAM, Wash. -- Cadalog Inc., has established a Web site intended for sharing computer-aided designs back and forth. The site is called and acts as a clearinghouse for CAD users who want to share, sell or find three-dimensional models, parts, components or libraries.

The company created the site in response to those using's online parts library, who requeste...

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Achieving Goals
Posted by master March 2003
01:33:42 AM
By: Cheryl Hasan

Achieving goals can bring you one step closer to happiness, opportunity and security. Goals come in all shapes and sizes - a fantastic job, home ownership, owning a nice car, taking long vacations, starting a family and building wealth. How would you go about shaping your dreams to create the life you want?

We all generate millions of thoughts in our minds everyday like, "...

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Help is on its way!
Posted by master March 2003
11:17:04 PM
After asking help from PCWEB QC , the webmaster of the PCWEB website did contact me today through e-mail regarding the free web hosting services he would grant the organization. I would be meeting with him next week for some technical matters. I've also told them about the plan of promoting the site for all me students nationwide. I'm already having discussion...

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Server hosting help!
Posted by master March 2003
2:57:55 PM
For the information of everyone, we are currently using a free hosting service from which provides a 100mb space, asp 3.0 and MS Access database compatibility with unlimited bandwidth. But because it is a free service, too many users are using it at the same time and we are having a traffic problem (kaya mabagal site natin). So, if anybody would like to help in terms of hosting serv...

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How to post your information here?
Posted by master March 2003
6:01:33 PM
To make it easier to read the forum, please follow these guidelines in posting your information:

The subject name must include your whole name indicating your current status as Alumnus, Resident Member or Applicant inside a bracket before your name  John
The message portion should only include the following information with an easy to read format (put n/a if fiel...

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Forum Rules and Guidelines (Please read!...
Posted by master March 2003
2:44:05 PM
To keep this forum clean, usable, and helpful to others a set of rules have been put together: -

Golden Rules

• Post in the right forum! You may have your post deleted if you post in the wrong forum!
• Use decriptive Topic Subject. This will help others find what they want to read. Topics with bad Topic subjects maybe deleted!
• Research your Post! Make sure you are not double posting, s...

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How to earn those stars and gold points?
Posted by master March 2003
01:50:00 AM

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test email
Posted by master Last replied by master on
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Any news from the organization?
Posted by master on
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Beta-testing of New MWP 1.3
Posted by master on
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joke page
Posted by eriq Last r
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May silbi pa ba tong website natin?
Posted by master on
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to master: pic of poa
Posted by boyjie da pogi Last replied by master 
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to eriq
Posted by boyjie da
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to roy ds
Posted by boyjie da pogi Last replied by
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Attention mr roy ds
Posted by boyjie da pogi 
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Posted by boyjie da pogi 
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This Site Is What We have been Waiting for for Months. MaxPortal has Outstanding Functionality however it has always lacked in the design dept. Designers are anxiously awaiting the new release, this site has given most of us New hope for MAX!
Posted by Rush2jc

This site is realy great...
Posted by

This site beats other MWP Portal I know. Sad to say, it is a lot better than my own!
Posted by guest on
Guests, it would be very nice of you if you can leave any short messages here about the site. Thanks!
Posted by master on
cool feature!!! can I have it too?
Posted by elrik on

This feature is cool!
Posted by master on
I like this Yell thing. Can I have the code for this? I'm going to e-mail the webmaster. Thanks! Cool!
Posted by guest on

I hope you enjoyed your stay here!
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Please yell your short messages here or use the guestbook for longer messages!
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REVX2K1  HamJamm!

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