Shit this site contains...

Click on the links to navigate my webshite....

Pob or Chadwick? Hmmmmm........
Chris Morris, Comedy God.
My mate Dave's Raps. He thinks he's cool
Check out ma homies.....
The Rhythm Section
This is D-Caf's site y'all, so check it out.....
My mate Pete's site...
Pro Evo Soccer 2, can't get better than this...
My legs getting waxed for Comic Relief, March 14th 2003!
My Web Log!!!!!!!!!

This is what you'll get...... Anyway this is the legendary Paul Paps website, up and running now for a while now! If you see anything interesting enough on it, well good. If you don't, tough. I'm only doing this cos I'm bored anyway. If you feel like it you can sign my guestbook and leave random words on it, check out the forum (also at the bottom), and if you need to search for stuff, use the search engine at the bottom! CHEERS!
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