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News - Damn, downed again.
March 27th, 2003

Hey folks.
As you can see my site is now in a state of disarray. Long story short my web host (The now defunct Reliexec Network) was reported to it's ISP for running a server. Now, servers are against the TOS for his particular connection and this was brought to the attention of his mother, who happens to work for the ISP. She called him, and he was forced to pull the plug before the ISP did. So, I didn't find out about this until roughly two days later, and here I am without a web host.
    Now, I'm trying to get in on Web1000 so we'll see how that goes, and if I don't, I have some free webspace that my 44.95/month pays for in regards to my Internet Connection.  In the meantime, this is pretty much the state of my site, and I'm probably going to work on it from the offline until I get a new host.

Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat.
(May the cat eat you, and may the cat be eaten by the devil.)