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Changes:  The power you gain from your followers can now only be a max of 50% of your total secret link clicks.  This means, if you get 100 people to click your secret link, your followers can only add a total of 50 power to your character.  If it shows they add more then 50, you will not gain that bonus until you become powerful enough to command them.  YOU must be strong enough to command your followers!
  Updates:  Added a new low cost attack and defense item to help get players started.  Changes:  Increased the probability for crew members to help in battle. | More News...
At you can create a monster, a gangster, or a pop star and build their fame, power, and riches. Once you create your character, you build them by getting friends to click your secret link. The more people you get to click the link, the more money your character will generate. Attack other players for money, band together with friend, even gamble at the casino.  The players with the most money at the end of the game win, this is an all out war!

The current game started on Saturday, March 1 and will end Friday, March 31.

Tallest Monster
1. ¤DirtySanchez¤3,903 feet
2. Mike Miller3,787 feet
3. Cryptoanarchist3,555 feet
4. BCBeast3,488 feet
5. Multisycardon3,369 feet
Richest Monster
1. PerfectMateo$2,899,219
2. Stax Mastas$2,739,265
3. Mike Miller$2,255,553
4. Cryptoanarchist$2,180,513
5. South~Park~Molestor$2,049,028
Tallest Gangster
1. Cry_of_the_Carrots4,924 gangsters
2. sexesyberpmp4,734 gangsters
3. Medicine Man4,680 gangsters
4. MERDOCK4,484 gangsters
5. Corinthos4,483 gangsters
Richest Gangster
1. Cry_of_the_Carrots$3,559,449
2. Dbone$3,337,906
3. bobbarker$3,170,090
4. Dewby$2,637,205
5. Lady Leigh$2,612,138
Tallest Pop Star
1. Avada Kedavra4,226 fans
2. jeeni4,201 fans
3. Shady693,955 fans
4. Newest_Badass3,196 fans
5. j _lo3,121 fans
Richest Pop Star
1. Avada Kedavra$5,106,885
2. Whose Your Daddy$3,405,435
3. FuckPolice$3,266,190
4. blazin4lyfe420$2,092,659
5. Phil MaGroin$1,985,880
Largest Crew
1. The Brotherhood of Lotus165 members
2. --xXx--116 members
3. The Chosen Ones112 members
4. Pheonix Army106 members
5. Street Punks89 members
Most Powerful Crew
1. Organized Chaos137,363 power
2. MIDNIGHT STALKERZ92,723 power
3. BLooD_ReigN v5.037,748 power
4. Manetheren37,270 power
5. The Chosen Ones36,772 power

The monster, gangster, and pop star with the most money at the end of the round wins a brand new X-Box!

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