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My Tips Page

My Tips On Outwar.

My Outwar Help For You

Do what i did and have a website that has 5 pop ups not one jsut right click this site and hit view source
When i get more user friendly with this i will have more HELP I KNOW THE BOTTOM IS HARD TO DICIFER JUST HELP ME FIGURE IT OUT IM ME AT FEATHER2LITEMV2

Kyos "Guide" UNDERSTANDING THIS GUIDE To use this guide effectively you should have a basic knowledge of HTML. I have tried to make this guide as simple and easy to understand but I advise you to look on google for beginner html or html examples if you are unsure. I do not provide support but I may answer your questions if you are really stuck with this............................... Terms: Secret link: Your outwar secret link e.g. Pop-Up: This is the HTML code for a popup. (be sure to add a < to the beginning of each "Script" Tag. I removed it to show u) Remember modify the above with your actual secret link. Otherwise you be directing people to my secret link. E.g. x=858238 should be replaced with your own outwar number........................ Getting the 525 maximum number of thugs a day. You are only allowed to get 350 thugs each day. However it is possible to gain 525 thugs if you build your underlings too. So the secret in gaining the maximum number of thugs is to concentrate on building yourself and then 1 or 2 underlings to get the maximum 525........................... Chat room scam: You create a profile as a GIRL on msn. then click "sign in" you'll see a link that says "Get a msn Passport" something like that. So click that. Fill out all the information and create your own user name. Then go to "People and Chat" and try to enter a chat, it will ask you to create a nickname. Create a girl nickname. (ex. Naughtygirl69) Something like that. Then once your done, go to the left hand side of the page to where it says "My profile" fill out your profile like a girl would do. Add a picture of a hot girl if you can. The rules to doing this. 1) Do not say click on my website, just use the website as a link to a website which has a re-direct to your secret link. (Goto geocities or angelfire make an account or use the one I have provided for you.) 2) Do not have anything on your profile which makes it look like you are porn. Okay now go into chat rooms. It is best to search around and pick the best ones. Good ones are the teen rooms which has hot girls hot guys etc…. Now go into them rooms and just on entry give your ASL. Make it up… then sit in the room and do NOTHING!. Click on more rooms and keep on doing this until you have 10-30 windows. More windows the more chance of getting clicks. All you do is sit and IDLE without your away message. Occasionally you will get banned from rooms and kicked out but this is normal. That is all you have to do................................. 8/10 for THUGABILITY. Auto hit scam: You can register your re-direct on auto hit sites like. .................................. 3/10 for THUGABILITY. Un-released scam: This scam has been unreleased. All you do is create girl profiles on rate my face sites. There are tonnes of them out there. Get the buffest looking picture you can and then just put in the description either my homepage or more pics. Of course this can goto your re-direct. Ideally your re-direct page should be a pop up which explains the the person you play outwar. This will solve problems in the future if people say you spam etc… The more pictures you put up of course the more mugs you will draw to your site. Create a various number of sites and you will get an endless supply of hits. ......................... 8/10 for THUGABILITY. Combat This section is rather basic and simple. How power is calculated. For every thug you get you gain 1 power. This guide is described for a gangster please do the relevant conversion for a popstar or monster. Mini guns/Land mines = 710 power. Plasma Shield and Nuke = 2,143 power. Okay I explain laddering to you. Laddering is where you calculate your attack based on a set of enemies who are 5-10k between distance. If you want to work out exactly how much you gain from 10 attacks on an enemy the conversion is simple. It is ( bank balance + weapons * 0.8 ) / 10 So for example if I had 1,000 thugs. 1 nuke and no money and you attacked me you would get 320,000. Okay so why do some people gain more and gain less in attacking??? The rule is simple the less thugs you have the more power you have to buy with weapons. The more power you have to buy with weapons the more you will lose if you get hit. So when you look for targets check out their thugs. If they have 500-2,000 thugs you will make a killing from them. Buy-Sell-Bank strat. This strategy is simple. You lose 20% of what you buy. So if you withdraw 20 million to go killing people with make sure you gain back more than 4 million or it is not worth it. Its best to attack in groups of 100-200 attacks. That way you steadily increase your bank and be able to max it asap. ........................... Blackjack Blackjack is always a gamble if you want to hit high targets e.g. those over 50,000+ As soon as you get 100 million bank you can gamble all of it on blackjack. The way blackjack works is you win 0.5 of your stake unless its blackjack then you get 2x your money. So if you bet 50 million you win 25 million if you beat the dealer or 50 million if you get 21. Lottery scam. The lottery can be won to push you past your bank balance. How you do this is get 100 million then gamble lottery. The best ways to play lottery is on probability. 1 in 10 chance scam. Pick a number from -0 to 9 If you pick 2 then selected your numbers like this x y z [ 2 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ]... [ 2 ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ]... [ 2 ] [ 0 ] [ 2 ]... [ 2 ] [ 0 ] [ 3 ]... [ 2 ] [ 0 ] [ 4 ]... [ 2 ] [ 0 ] [ 5 ]... [ 2 ] [ 0 ] [ 6 ]... [ 2 ] [ 0 ] [ 7 ]... [ 2 ] [ 0 ] [ 8 ]... [ 2 ] [ 0 ] [ 9 ]... Now for every 10 tickets change column y to y+1 e.g. 1 then 2 then 3 then 4