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oP OrIgInAlS

Enforcers: Run the Channel. Must talk to Pakis to become one. They have the right to ban kick or punish any person who they feel is doing wrong. The only people who can punish Enforcers are Keynewb[110] and spiritfox. Before you even ask to be a Channel Enforcer there are a few things you need. You must know Pakis, Keynewb[110] or spiritfox for at least 2-3 weeks. Be friends with them. You may not be in any clans or a known Clan war supporter.You need to be active for at least 1 hour a day. If you are going to be gone for a while tell someone. : # = number of people allowed to be that.

Channel Observer: 1


Cheif Enforcers and Allowed to be on OPS: 2



Enforcers: 5