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Oh, so your an inside kind of person are you. This is quite a sensible decision as the Welsh air at night is rather chilly. Bleddyn thanks you very much as he does not like the cold.

Your new position on the good Birthday scale is:-

What are you doing this is poor__________________*________________________Superb, you are the king/queen of all racoons

Not a bad jump to 5 out of ten, but it could have been bettered by being just a bit meaner. Keep going to improve from this distinctly average point.

Next decision, do you

a) Go for the eyebrows

Leave Bleddyn tied up in the chair and go off to fetch some shaving gel and a razor. This is Ross' turn as he has had this done to him before, he more than anyone knows what it feels like to be naked above the eye.

b) Shave the whole head

Just as it sounds; get some clippers and whack on a zero. This means that no hair shall be left. If you are feeling really mean get a razor and shave the area after, so any stray hairs can meet their doom.