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Misguided Angel ~ Well, well, well, look who has returned. I took a few week absence to solve some personal problems, and now there is good news and bad news. The good news is they are solved, and now I am here to resume my ass kicking ways, and the bad news is…well no bad news for me, but for certain people here on the roster, the bad news is I am back and ready to resume my ass kicking ways. Lol. I leave for a bit, and see that everything has changed. I do not know where to start. Let me see, hmmmm.

First of all, I need to address my best friends, Shane and Eklips. It is good to see you have remained champions in my absence. I know the last time we spoke, we were not on the best of terms, and trust me when I say I do have unfinished business with both of you, but that will have to wait. You see guys; I think there was a mutual respect for all three of our abilities. I believe that the three of us can top any card they put us on. It has been proven before, and will probably be proven again. You both hold singles titles that are in my future. Maybe not the immediate one, but in my future none the less. There cannot be a doubt. You two know what I am about more than anyone else here. You two know what it is like to walk down that Road. You two know what it is like to play mind games with me, and go toe to toe. But that is not here nor there. No, the reason I am back is to address someone in particular.

Now I am sure that every one I have dealt with in the past will assume it is them that I have come to take up against. Well I will narrow it down further than I have. We all know it is not Shane, or Eklips. My vendetta is done with them. For now. So that leaves just a few people. We know it is not Snake Eyez. He is like family. So who can it be? It is not Avidar Loco, as we settled all many months ago. You might be thinking it is Peaches. Well, yes she holds a victory over me, but it was based on a no show from my self due to my personal problems. When asked for a rematch when I come back, I was told this, and I quote “In life you normally only get one big chance, big opportunity. You chose your personal life over the fed. Which is fine and good! But basically what I am saying when it comes to Peaches, there is no second chance for you! You blew it! CordiallyPeaches’ Attorney Committee”. But truthfully, even though I know if it comes down to it, I can and would defeat her; it is clearly obvious she wants no part of me. Besides she was having problems with Eklips. You know what; let me digress for a minute. When I left here, she was in good standing with the Elite, but when I return, I find out she has left them. She has publicly stated that the Elite will whither and die with out her. I am sorry lady, but I beg to differ. They are doing fine and still reigning supreme over all, including you.

Now, back to what I was talking about. The person I want to demolish, make wish that they never joined this company is not any of these pretenders to greatness that have come up on the scene in my leave. You know who you are; there is no need for me to name names. But know this. I was once where you are. I was hungry for the gold, I wanted to get known and get my due fast. I targeted the very best, just like yourselves. However, I proved I belonged where I was, unlike any of you. I proved I deserved to be up there, challenging for titles. None of you have shown me anything that would be construed as talent. Well that is not totally true. There is a few of you that deserve title shots in your future, but give it time, earn your way up. That way the victory will be much sweeter. Ok, no more bullsh!t. No more kissing up, showing the world that I am a nice guy. We all know I am an a$$hole and then some. It is time for me to divulge what drives me to come back here.

That man is the Rock. You see Rock, you made the ultimate mistake. You came to me and asked to be my partner in a tag team title match. My first title here in the company. The first time I could prove I was worth the hype I came with. What did you do, you let me do all the verbal sparring against the two toughest people in this company, much less this sport. But what you did after was the most evil sin you can ever comprehend. You turned on me, and allowed me to get beaten. You joined them, and laid me out with a beating. I told you I would never forget it Rock, and I never will. You see Rock, you came to me, I did not come to you. You wanted my help. Well when I get my hands on you, you will be begging for my help. You will be begging for mercy, for your career, for your life. But do not ask for too much Rock. For you will get nothing but a one way ticket down the Road to Hell. Think back Rock. Think back to why you came to me. You saw the raw ability to win, you saw the talent it would have taken to become the Tag Team Champions. Instead, you took the coward’s way out. You joined the enemy instead of facing them. You sold your balls for the right to be a big shot for a night. Well big shot, it is time for you to step up, and show me the talent you have. It is time for you to come into this very ring and do what needs to be done.

But you know what, I do not think you have it in you Rock. I do not think you can get the job done. Bigger and much better than you have tried, and take a look, I am still here, kicking around, and doing what I do best. Taking out garbage like you is what I do. So if you have the fortitude to come here, and accept this challenge, then do it. But know this, fool, you don’t, and you make me come after you, I will make sure you never ever have a restful night again. I will be in your dreams and your very nightmares. Believe it.