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Hey!! This is the neopets guild website for ~MONEY~. If you don't know what neopets is click the link below to find out. Tips for getting neopoints and items: Bank - Collect Interest! This can add up over time! If you have 100,000 NP, then you can collect 9,000 NPs a year! Make sure you collect your interesting before you deposit or withdraw! If you don't collect your interest, you will lose it for that day. Fruit Machine - You can visit the fruit machine once a day. You never know what you can get! Anything from food, to NPs, to petpets can be won at this machine! Healing Springs - Have a sick pet? You can visit the healing springs once every hour to try to heal your pet. The Water Faerie will either feed your pets, give you a potion, heal your pet of disease, or restore some/all of your HPs. Sometimes she will both healin your pet, feed your pet, and restore HPs at the same time! Laboratory Ray - Have you collected all of the lab map pieces? If so, you can then visit the lab daily! The lab can both do your pet good & do your pet harm. Either way, it is fun to see what the lab ray has in store for that day.. ;) Giant Omelette - This neverending omelette will help supply you with one omelette a day. An omelette will feed your pet three times! This is helpful for those that can't afford much food. Coltzan's Shrine - Hmm. What will Coltzan give you today? Sometimes nothing happens. (Well, it seems that most times nothing happens for me...) But, if you are lucky, Coltzan can improve your pets stats, give you food, NPs, or battledome items! Check your Stocks - Do you keep NPs invested in the Neopian Stock Market? It's wise to check your stock daily! You never know when stock prices rise or fall. So, keep an eye on your investments!(to get to stocks go to games, then scroll down to the bottom where you will see the link for stocks. for further help neomail me!) Tombola - Over on Mystery Island, there is a Tiki Tack Man that gives out all kinds of things. Though, sometimes he needs NP donations to help fund his giveaways. All you have to do is show up once a day to get a lottery ticket. If you win, you can get anything from NPs to Faeries! Giant Jelly - Oh Yum! You can't pass up some FREE FOOD daily! Your pets will thank you for it! This is another great daily event that can help keep those pets of poor neopians well fed.( ) Wheel of Excitement - This wheel costs 100 NP and can only be spun once every two hours. You never know what you can get with this wheel! You can get anything from 8 NPs to items worth over 100,000 NPs! (Sometimes you can even have items stolen by the Pant Devil.) Wheel of Mediocrity - This wheel costs 50 NP and can only be spun once an hour. This wheel doesn't have as good as prizes as the Wheel of Excitement, but it is still worth the spin. Snowager- if you apptoach him while he is sleeping you can get free items. I hope these tips help you and if you have further tips or questions neomail me. Thanx!
snickers718 got their Neopet at