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about me

college life
guest book
photo album

me.. minnie me...



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It is a Friday night on 27th June 2003 at 10.40 p.m. This site is officially up. It has been a few years since I worked on a personal website. My knowledge on websites has grown rusty.

It is the third day since my holidays started. I have been doing nothing except for going in and out and lazing around. Nothing has been done. I'm wasting all my precious time. Boredom has overcome me. I can't stand doing nothing. It makes me feel useless. I sit in front of the computer every night, staring at it, wondering what shall I do.

For the past 2 nights, I played around with Photoshop. As my designing skills are very limited, I decided to improve on my skills. When I first started with Photoshop, I realized that I suxed in this field. As the old people says, practice makes perfect. And now I can say I improved tremendously. I am proud of it.

Again, I got bored of doing the same thing every night. Therefore, the idea of a website poped up into my head. What can I say, I went along with the idea. What can I say, I was bored. I am trying to fill up my free time. I am jobless and broke. I guess this is one of million ideas which I thought about but never came down to doing it until today. Yeah, I know I sux but who cares. As long as it fills up my free time, I am happy.

The weather is a little screwed up. It is hot and sometimes cold. The only good thing about it is that it rains at night. I don't have to switch on my aircon. There is natural aircon blowing into my room. I snuggle up between my sheets and easily fall asleep. It too can be quite irritating when it is extremely cold. I am a lazy person and when tucked in my comfortable bed, I wouldn't get up to switch my fan to a lower speed.

I can't wait. My friends are all coming back. Rice is coming back from UK. Chnoong, Chek and Botak are coming back from Aussie. I miss them. Can't wait to see them. The only person which hasn't confirmed with me whom is coming back is Chern. That monkey backside. When all of them comes back, I'll be pre-occupied with something.

I just spoke with my sister yesterday. She isn't sure when she's going to come back. I haven't seen her for one and a half years. I do hope she comes back before I leave. If not it makes me not being able to see her for more than two years maybe three years. Anyway, I'll keep you guyz updated in the next few days about my boring and sad life. See yah.