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The Unknown!

(the Beginning)


    The story begins in a dungeon, a dark mysterious place. Sirus, walked a bout wounded. Looking for his teammates, because they were separated in the last battle, against a BOMB. "Damn, were are they, I don't have the any potions to. This sucks!" Sirus said in to him self. all of a sudden, he heard a scream coming from above. "That sounded like Terra! Hope she is ok" as he rushed up the stairs leading upward. "Terra! were are you? Terra!?" He screamed out.

    "I'm over here, Sirus! Help, I'm in the locked locked room, something locked me in!" She said looking around the room, seeing all the coffins... she has gotten freighted by this and kept on screaming, until Sirus knocked down the door. After regaining poster, she looked up and told Sirus that Alexander had gone to look for him, but never returned from looking for him. "And that's when something locked me in", She said has he mumbled listening to her story.  "Hey are you listening to me!"

Sirus looked over at her, holding Deaths Plan, her scythe. "Oh, sorry, I'm was thinking, the old man that asked us to do the job, he said Strutos, was the name of the beast were finding right. But didn't he say it was a summon." Sirus peered over the coffins, and saw a book. He walked over to it and picked it up and read it, 'The Life of Strutos'.

    Seeing the book in his hand, walked over. Looking down and seeing the cover, she gasped. as Alexander touched her shoulder, "Hey you two, been looking for you! Man I saw Strutos, Thank god it didn't see me!" He looked at the book, puzzled, "So Strutos is really a summon after all."

    "Yeah, but the thing is, it USED to be a summon, but I thought summons couldn't become a normal beast or human, whatever, I'm confusing myself" Sirus acknowledged. He looked around noticing the knocked down door was out back in place. "What the ...?  I thought I knocked down that door!" He looked at it once more then rammed it, but this time, it was completely locked. "Shit!" As he sat on the ground. All of a sudden the door became wavy, it looked like some one threw a rock in to a placid lake. Then a women walked threw it, she at one a blackish purple dress, and a mask, with long black hair from behind. "Who are you?" Sirus called out, but no answer, until,

"Hmph..." The women looked over at each one in the room, then after her was the Strutos, it looked like a black lion that could stand on it's hind legs and walk normally as a human would. The tip of the women's hair glowed red, then it diapered under her mask, then it spilt into to pieces and slide to the side of her head. The women had a white complexion of the skin, and her purple lipstick matched that of her dress. Her yellow eyes looks about. Then Alexander stepped forward,

    "Ah, lady Edea" He bowed down to her, peering his head up to her. She looked down to see him, with a smirk. "What brings you her?" He asked with a difference in his voice, it was deeper, maybe darker than before. Edea, told him to arise, in her quit mysterious tone of voice. 

    "Where have to been Alexander, It's very impolite to keep your sorceress waiting, so very long" She said just twisting her head to look at him. Her hand lifted up under his chin, then pushed him away.  "Well, well, who are these people?" She looked at him after he didn't give an answer. 

    "There Nobodies, Edea. Just nobodies," He said glaring at her, with a smirk, that he used when he bowed to her. He forgot about everything, just has she entered the room. Sirus looked at him with anger, but did not show it. Terra on the other hand shouted out at him, yelling,

    "ALEXANDER, HOW DARE YOU CALL US NOBODIES!!!" She went on a rampage, but then the sorceress used a magic spell, which rendered Terra helpless. "Sirus... help...," She said weakly. Sirus then rushed over to her. He gave her a potion, then stood up and looked at Edea. he drew his Masamune, a legendary  weapon said to been so well forged that it couldn't break by force or magic. He pointed it to Edea.

    "Your time's up sorceress! Die!" Sirus said glaring at her, an she glared back, putting her and up towards Alexander, so he wouldn't interfere. They stood there, Sirus not even in a fighting stance, readied his weapon.

Stay tuned for *Chapter 2*


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