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My Friends


Kylie - Kylie is like the smartest person ever. It's kinda weird... i mean like it's crazy, lol. Anyway, Kylie's really cool and fun to hang out with.

Emily - Emily is really cool. We like ALL of the same stuff, and are exactly alike... it's freaky! We have fun every time together, whether it's when we're jumping off her roof onto the trampoline, or laying on the couch watching Rush Hour 2, it doesn't matter when we're together!

Cayce - Cayce is cool because we like all of the same music. We have a lot of fun together doing "not so good" things, but it's fun!

Olivia - Olivia has a very unique personality. We both are very bossy, which sometimes, causes little arguements!... Anyway, she can sing really, really good, and she loves Spongebob!

Caitlin - Caitlin is fun to be around, because you can talk about anything, and end up laughing!

John - John is my ex-bf, but we're still tight friends. We have lots of fun together doing anything including playing ping pong in my garage, or watching an afternoon soccer game. He is very fun and crazy and has a great personality (He's also a great kisser, lol) I love him! lol.

Ben - Ben is my best friend. He's a BIG goof-ball. He is the funniest person I know. He can make ANYONE laugh. I mean it. He can relate to anything I tell him, and he can keep secrets. He's the best! I love him sexy mama, lol.

Seth - I have known Seth since, well, forever. He has been one of my best buds for as long as I can remember because he always has my back.

Christin - Christin is one of my older friends. We met on the internet talking on IM and met in person working together at my church. She is really fun to be around, because we are A LOT alike and I can tell her pretty much everything. Oh yeah, she's 17 and goes to FORT DORCHESTER!!!! GO PATRIOTS!!!

Kelsey - I have only known Kelsey for a little bit, but she is so awesome! We have so much in common, it's freaky! She is my twin from Spartanburg! She's really cool!! When I get my liscense i'm gonna drive up there to visit her all the time, lol.

Jessica - Jessica is really cool. She likes soccer, and is sporty, which I think is really cool. We can relate to that kind of thing which is neat cuz we always got something to talk about.

Michael - Michael is a big prankster. He plays jokes on everybody... which has gotten him into trouble!...a lot! LoL. Anyway, He's a cool guy.

Reigni - I just met Reigni not to long ago at school, but we've become good friends fast. She has a cool personality, and is really nice.

Catherine - Me and Catherine have known each other for a long while, and as our friendship goes on it only gets better. We have a fun time hangin' out and just bein' ourselves...

Bre - Bre is my friend, Kylie's, little sister. Bre is probably the coolest younger kid I've met, and she's really funny. I enjoy goin' to Kylie's and hangin' with Bre too. Oh yeah, she's an awesome soccer player!

If I forgot ya, please don't be offended, just remind me. I forget ALL the time, and if ya know me good enough, you will know that, lol.