"I'm not lazy; I'm just happier doing nothing"

Why Barbie Is A Nazi Bitch:

Greetings, my name is Miss Taryn and you are on my site. Perhaps you have accidently stumbled upon it while looking for porn, or perhaps you looked at my MSN profile and noticed I have a link. Well, whatever brought you here, welcome. I ask you to please ignore the advertisements all over my page. I'm sorry for selling out, but I am not the kind of person that has money lying around for a website without advertisements. All I can do is unadvertise the advertisements, I suppose. I apologize for lack of-- well, anything on this site, for it is new and I have nothing to say yet. I will have pictures soon. Not of me, mind you... not of anyone I know, even, but pictures that will definitely capture your attention.

Miss Taryn's Website Suggestions

This is my friend Megan's site. It will make you pulsate with hilarity.
This is my friend Stu's site. It will also make you pulsate with hilarity.