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My Work In Progress

Scene 1
Credits roll while these clips are being shown. Movie starts with a series of short clips of two brothers (Tim and Alex) doing miscellaneous activities (fishing, playing football, playing video games, ext.). The next clip is of a wedding, where Tim is getting married to a girl named Cassandra. Alex is the best man. The camera pans over to him while the two are making their vows. He thinks back to before the ceremony when he and his brother were talking.

So, does this mean that I won’t have any time to hang out with you anymore?”
Of course not, she may become my wife, but you will always be my brother.”

Scene 2
Tim and Cassandra finish the ceremony with a kiss, which fades into a shot of the reception. Alex stands and gives a toast.

Wow, what a day. When Tim asked me to be the best man the first thing I though was, “Oh crap! I have to give the toast.” And I though about what I was going to say for the longest time. I had even typed up a big, mushy speech but I can’t remember a word of it. I guess all I have to say is that you two are the best couple I have ever seen. A real match made in heaven. I speak for everyone when I say that we wish you the best life together and that nothing will keep you from the love that you two share. So, here’s to loosing a brother, gaining a sister, and having fun doing it all in the same day.”

Everyone claps and says “here, here” as the newlyweds look at each other with a starry eyed look.

Scene 3
The applauses fade to a series of miscellaneous clips of the newlyweds arguing over different issues. In these clips Tim is usually the one that gives in to his wife.

I can’t stand it anymore! I don’t want to put up with this house any more.
Come on, Cassandra. You know we can’t afford anything else.
I don’t care; I am willing to live anywhere but here.

Pizza again? I come home after working all day and all there is to eat is pizza?
Hey, I work 11 hours every day to buy you this pizza.
Bull crap! All you do with your money is spend it on games and movies.
If I could I would make you a nice dinner. But I just don’t have the time.
You have time now.
sighs All right, I’ll have something ready in a minute.

No, no, no! I don’t want your friends over tonight.
I haven’t had time to spend with them in a few weeks.
I don’t care. When you married me you gave up all rights to spending time with your friends.
Alright… hey guys, maybe we’ll do this some other night.

You still haven’t fixed the sink!
I told you that I haven’t the slightest idea how to fix a sink.
Oh, then lets just blow a couple hundred bucks on hiring a plumber. Of course we won’t eat for a few months.
Now you know that money is not that tight. We can hire a plumber.
No, you know we don’t have the money. You’re just looking for an excuse to get out of having to do it. You’re so fin useless. I have no idea why I married you.

The next shot is of Cassandra packing her things and leaving.

Come on, Cassandra. Don’t go.
Listen here; I put up with your crap day after day and I’m sick of it. I’m gonna go find someone who can actually take care of me.
I have taken care of you.
You have, have you? I don’t think so, cause you don’t even know how to take care of yourself.
That’s because I have been to busy taking care of you.

At this she gets mad and leaves.

Scene 4
Tim goes to his parent’s house to talk with them. Alex overhears the conversation.

…and she just left.
Did you do anything to upset her?
No, she got in one of her moods and stormed off. It was like she though that everything I was saying was meant to be a rap on her, but I was trying to be as nice as I could.
That’s just your problem; you were too nice to her. You give in so much that you don’t know how to argue your side.
Oh, arguing would have helped so much.
No, it wouldn’t of. You did the right thing, just give her some time, she’ll come back.
I don’t know, but she seemed really mad this time. I just feel like what she said was true. That I am no good, I can’t take care of myself, and that I don’t deserve her.
That’s a load of crap. She’s the one that doesn’t deserve you.
I’m kinda tiered. I’m gonna go home and think about it for a minute.
Alright, but remember; we are always here is you need someone to talk to.

Tim smiles and walks out the door. Alex walks down the stairs shortly after.

Hey, I’m going over to Tim’s. He needs a brother to talk to right now.
Alright, but don’t try to push anything out of him. Just let him talk to you.
I know, I’ve done this before. Trust me, I’m a pro.

Scene 5
Alex is walking through the town that they live in. As he is walking he sees his girl friend (Sarah) ahead of him. He catches up to her and they greet each other warmly.

Hey baby. they kiss
What’s up?
Oh, Tim and Cassandra got in another fight. Sarah
That sucks.
Yeah, I’m heading over there now to talk to him. You wanna come along?

Scene 6
As they are approaching Tim’s house, a loud gun shot rings out through the streets. They both look quite stunned. They run to Tim's house to see what happened. Alex races up stairs and enters his brother’s room. He suddenly stops as he sees Tim’s body lying on the bed bleeding from the side of the skull. Sarah walks up behind him and screams as she sees Tim's body. Alex grabs her and pulls her away from the room.

Listen to me, listen! Calm down, calm down. Go down stairs and call 911.

She walks down stairs, and calls while Alex stands in the doorway looking at his brother’s body. Sarah comes back and tells Alex that the paramedics are on their way.

Scene 7
The two of them go down stairs and sit on the porch to the house. The paramedics come and take the corpse away. A police officer questions Alex about what happened.

Hey you, are you related to him?
Yeah, I’m his brother.
What happened?
Me and Sarah were just on the way to his house to talk to him. We turned the corner and heard a loud bang. I ran into the house and saw him just lying there.
Do you know of any reason why he might do this?
Yeah; him and Cassandra got in a fight today.
Who’s Cassandra?
That’s his wife. She got all pissed about something and left. He seemed really down about it, but I didn’t think he would do something like this.
Alright… how about I give you a ride home?
What? No, we can’t! Mom and dad will find out. They can’t find out.
Well, we have to tell them sometime. Come on, let’s go.
Can Sarah come?

Scene 8
The officer drives up to Alex's house. When they get out of the cruiser his mom and dad rush out of the house.

Alex! What happened? Did you go to Tim’s house?

Alex just walks by them with Sarah in his arms.

Ma’am, sir, can I talk to you both for a second? We got a call several minutes ago; some people heard a gun shot at 103 North Wills Street Mom
That’s Tim’s house. Oh my god, what happened? Officer
I’m sorry ma’am but your son has shot himself. I’m afraid he’s dead. I’m very sorry to have to tell you.

Alex goes to his room and sits down on his bed with Sarah. He starts crying, and Sarah comforts him. He looks up to see his mom and dad standing in the doorway to his room. They are also crying. Scene fades.

Scene 9
Scene opens on a funeral setting. A minister is giving the eulogy while solemn faces stare forward. The camera pans to Alex who looks quite upset, almost angry. Sarah is sitting next to him. The back door to the room opens and Cassandra walks in. Everyone is quite surprised at her appearance. Alex looks back with anger in his eyes. Cassandra sits in the back row of chairs. The minister goes on with his address, while Alex looks as if he is getting more and more angry. Sarah notices this.

Hey, don’t worry about it. She may have done something wrong but that doesn’t mean that you need to. She’ll get what she deserves. Alex stands up and turns toward Cassandra Alex, where are you going? Don’t make a scene.
walking toward Cassandra Leave now!
Excuse me?
Get out of here! You have no right to be here. No fin right!
I think I do have a right to be here, I was his wife.
Yeah, right up until the day you left him. You’re the reason why he did this. He gave up everything for you and you treated him like crap. This is all your fault. You killed him, you fin killed him.
Don’t pin this crap on me! He was already unstable; he could have done this at any moment.
Bull crap, before he married you he would have never done something like this, no matter how bad things got. You came along and fed up his life. You’re the reason why he died.
What ever, I don’t need to put up with this crap.
You mean like he did for two years. All you did was complain about every fin thing. He always gave in to you, and still you treated him like crap. He’s not the one that deserved to die.
What… are you threatening me? she stands up
So what if I am?
You’re just as crazy as he was… must run in the family.

At this Alex attacks her. He pushes her down and starts to choke her. Several people come to pull him off.

half winded You fin maniac. I’ll have you put away for the rest of your fin life.

She walks out of the building. A few guys are restraining Alex while the rest of the people look on with shock. Alex calms down and falls to the ground crying. He looks up at Sarah.

Don’t look at me like that. Please don’t look at me like that Sarah.

Sarah turns and walks away. People back off from him as the scene fades.

Scene 10
The scene opens up on a courtroom where Alex is on trial. He stands before the judge.

Alexander Henning, you have pleaded guilty to one account of assault and battery and to one account of attempted murder. Seeing how you have pleaded on the account of mental instability, I sentence you to three years in the psychiatric ward at Le Mains county prison. After the three years you will be tested for any mental instability and released only by a doctor’s clearance. Court is adjourned.

People get up and start to leave as Alex turns around and looks at Cassandra. She smiles at him as he is escorted off by a police officer. Scene fades.

Scene 11
Scene opens on Alex being put into his room at the psychiatric ward. Once the door is shut behind him he goes berserk and starts punching and kicking the walls.

heard through the door That kind of behavior will get you a jacket real quick.

He stops his rampage and sits down on the bed. Thoughts are running through his head.

Alex’s Voice
Should have killed her… should have killed her… should have killed her. he looks up Should have killed her when I had the chance.

Scene fades to black.

3 Years Later

Scene 12
A group of kids are hanging out on top of a large rock formation. They are talking about misc. thing of small importance. Someone walks into the view of the camera.

I knew I would find you bunch of frs here.
The Group of Kids
Alex… yo what’s up Alex… where the f you been?
What, you bunch of a holes are too stoned to know that I’ve been lock up for the past three years? Hey, where’s Jake?
I’m here.

Jake and some girl come out of one of the caves in the rocks. Jake buttons his pants while the girl straightens her skirt.

Jenna? Jenna Myer? Holy s, when did you two hook up?
About a month ago.
No kiddin? And you two are already using the fin cave? God you kids now-a-day move fast. It took Sarah and me four months to get to the cave. Speaking of, where is Sarah?
Sarah don’t hang out with us anymore.
She doesn’t hang out with you anymore? Why not?
She stopped once you got locked away. She took it pretty hard, didn’t come out side for a few weeks. She was always quite around us. Then she just stopped coming.
That doesn’t sound like her. Hey, anyone wanna go see her with me?
Naw, we’ll just chill here, you go see her. But hey, we should hook up tonight and party like we used to.
Definitely! Jake, you still got your cell?
Alright, I’ll call later so we can get something planned.
Alright, see ya later man.
Everyone Else
See ya Alex.

Scene fades while Alex walks away.

Scene 13
Scene fades on Alex walking up the walkway to Sarah’s house. He walks up the front stairs and knocks on the door. Sarah’s dad answers the door.

Sarah’s Dad
What the hell do you want?
looking surprised Is Sarah here, sir?
Sarah’s Dad
Who the hell are you?
My name is Alex, one of Sarah’s friends.
Sarah’s Dad
Alright, I’ll tell her you’re here.
after a while, walking to the door What do you want?
Well, I just got into town and I wanted to say hello.
Alex, I don’t want you around me anymore.
Yeah, the guys said you don’t like them anymore. I figured that it was just because there were too many reminders of me.
No, I just wanted to sever all relations to you. You seriously freaked me out that day. That look in your eyes when you were choking her… what if you did something like that to me?
Sarah, I would never…
I don’t want to hear it… I really don’t. Leave, please.
Just fin go, ok!

Alex just looks at her for a second. Then he turns and leaves. Scene fades.