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Hey welcome to the start of a new website created by TJ. I've decided to make a new one cause well... RAWLEY SUCKS AND DOESN'T UPDATE. Sorry dude but you got to update sometime. Well were actually The Summer Solution at the moment but if by some amazing turn of events we actually have a full practice (which may be soon) we will, as in its mandatory by law, discuss the name. So far we don't have a bassist, unless everyone agrees to get my dad to play. James was kicked out for being a butt hole. Currently the members are TJ, Rawley, Val, and Pete... but you should know that already.


7/8/03 TJ and Rawley had a session.  HOLY POOP ON A STICK THEY BOTH WERE IN THE SAME ROOM PLAYING THEM GEETARS TOGETHA.  Well now that they both know Seek and Destroy... what will they overcome next??/

7/12/03  Well TJ talked to his dad yesterday and it is official.  Dad is our bassist.  He will be on the site soon... Dad is only a temporary bassist though but he will be useful until we find someone else.