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Welcome! If you're reading this then you've probably just been hit by the newest form of unwanted advertising. The message was sent to your computer through a built in feature that Microsoft included in your copy of Windows 2000, NT, or XP. These types of messages are worse than unwanted e-mail since you don't even need to have an e-mail account. They are worse than web page Pop-Ups because you can get them even while not surfing the web! If you are one of the millions of people who get unwanted messages like these everyday, there is hope.

Is this a familiar sight?

After researching, we have found that there were only two ways to block these messages from appearing on your screen. The first required doing extensive tweaking and configuring of your computer, much of which is highly technical and can easily go wrong. The other was to buy an expensive piece of hardware (a router or firewall) and reconfigure your entire network. It didn't seem right that we had to go through so much trouble just to stop these unwanted messages. It was very frustrating. With Message Stomper, you can block these unwanted pop-up messages FOREVER with one click, and enjoy CONTINUED PROTECTION. No longer do you have sit and wait as your computer freezes or crashes due to one of these messages. Message Stomper will block each and every pop-up ad sent through Microsoft's Messenger Service.

Facts about Messenger Spam:

  • Messenger Spam is the fastest growing type of unsolicited advertising on the Internet today. It has been recorded as growing as much as 1500% a month
  • You are not protected if you are viewing this page. This form of spam will only increase as time goes on.
  • Your ISP is powerless to stop it. Unlike e-mail spam, there are no laws or rules against these types of messages. Even if you find the sender, there is nothing that can be done.
  • Message Stomper can block these ads

Some of the features of Message Stomper:

  • Simple one-click access to complete protection against Messenger pop-up ads
  • Guaranteed to stop any kind of Messenger pop-up no matter what software is used to send it
  • Message Stomper will sit in your System Tray so you know that you are always protected against unwanted pop-up ads

  • Actual screenshot of Message Stomper.

    Message Stomper sits quietly in your system tray, protecting your computer.

    Order Message Stomper for the extremely low price of only $8.61 using a credit card or check. Both forms of payment are instant and secure. International orders are welcomed. You will get unlimited use of the program with no restrictions. There are no monthly fees or hidden charges, this is a one-time charge. The software will never expire. It is yours to keep forever.

    Have you installed KaZaA, Morpheus, or any other file sharing program? If so, you may have SPYWARE. Spyware is software that is bundled together with file sharing programs, video and sound files, and other such programs. Spyware tracks what sites you visit, how often you visit them, and what kinds of sites you frequent. It is invisible and runs in the background. This information is sent to a central server and is usually sold without your permission. How can they do this legally? The answer lies in the long disclaimer that people often don't read and simply click "Agree" to. After purchasing Message Stomper, you will be instructed on how to remove any Spyware you may have safely and instantly, without effecting any of your programs. You will also be given software to stop web browser pop-ups. You are getting complete privacy protection and peace of mind for a small one-time fee with no catches and no gimmicks, and it's all guaranteed. What more can you ask for?

    After payment, you must click the "Continue" button. You will be instantly sent to the download page.

    Pay me securely with any major credit card through PayPal!
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    For more information about Paypal, visit www.paypal.com (Opens in a new window)

    Building Trust in Transactions (tm)
    We are SquareTrade CERTIFIED. This means we have an excellent history of online transactions verified by a third party company. Under the SquareTrade program, buyers are fully protected against fraud. In order to become a SquareTrade member, a company must have a record of handling customer issues quickly and completely. When you purchase Message Stomper, you can be sure you are dealing with a legitimate company who cares about their customers. Buy with confidence!

    Privacy statement: Our privacy statement is very simple and straight-forward. Payment processing is done through Paypal, the worlds largest online credit card and check processing company. Our company never receives any of your personal billing information, we only see your name and e-mail address which is kept for our records. We will never give or sell your information to anyone, at any time, for any reason.


Copyright © 2003 Message Stomper.
Contact: sales@messagestomp.cjb.net