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MEGE is a consulting company carrying out exploration and production studies for the hydrocarbon industry in the Middle East. We are offering comprehensive Petroleum Geology reports on each country in the Middle East and North Africa. We also have Basin Data and Evaluation Packages and studies on reservoirs and source rocks.

Petroleum geology of the Middle East and North Africa represents a series of regional geological reports offered to the petroleum industry by the Middle East Geological Enterprises. Our reports consist of the collating, updating, reviewing and evaluation of data put into report form to help evaluate prospective areas and potential land positions. Twelve volumes in this series includes: SE Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait and Neutral Zone, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Republic of Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

The Middle East Geological Enterprises is in a unique position to synthesize the geology of different country in the Middle East. We have a comprehensive data base, in addition to in-house and consulting reports. Most of these data have not yet been synthesized into a modern exploration framework; this is precisely what we proposed to do. Petroleum Geology of each of the countries in Middle East is a comprehensive compilation report of Geology and hydrocarbon potential of this country available to date.

Each report is intended to be as comprehensive as data will allow as it is based on a broad review of country and adjacent areas literatures and unpublished data. The aim is to provide a compilation and synthesis of all available data relevant to evaluating hydrocarbon prospects at this stage of knowledge.

These reports are invaluable to explorationists who require a comprehensive review and understanding of the potential of the area. The writers used all available open-file geologic data; represent the most comprehensive regional study available for the areas. The results of each study are synthesized into a comprehensive text, and a series of figures, also a comprehensive bibliography was prepared that covers the region.

Other Projects Offered from MEGE

1. List of all exploration wells drilled since 1900 in the Middle East (about 1950 wells). Each country has separate table.

2. Petrographic study of Asmari Formation (main reservoir in Iran).

3. Overview of Reservoir Rocks, Source Rocks and Seal Rocks in each country in the Middle East.

4. Selected oil and gas fields in the Middle East.

5. Hormuz salt plugs of Iran and Arabian Gulf and their implication on hydrocarbon accumulation.

6. Geology and hydrocarbon potential of the Middle East.

7. Geology and hydrocarbon potential of the northern Arabian Platform.

8. Middle East hydrocarbon provinces.

9. Geohistory and maturation of Mesozoic-Cenozoic in the Arabian Peninsula (Geohistory analysis of 16 wells).

10. Regional source rock characteristics and timing of hydrocarbon migration (evidence from fluid inclusions and tectonics) in northern part of the United Arab Emirates and Oman.

11. Petroleum geology of Gulf of Suez.

12. Atlas of oil fields of Egypt.

13. Petroleum geology of Sinai and Nile Delta, Egypt.

14. Petroleum Geology of Western Desert, Egypt.

15. Sedimentary basins and petroleum geology of Sudan.

16. Petroleum Geology of Sirte Basin, Libya.

17. Petroleum Geology of Ghadames Basin, Libya, Tunis and Algeria.

18. Petroleum Geology of Marzuk Basin, Libya.

For more information, contact: A.S. Alsharhan, P.O.Box: 17325, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, Fax: (009713) 7516370, E-mail:, Homepage: Sharhan