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brentlinger consulting solutions 
(a simple, unique, cost saving consulting solution)

Who am I
What do I provide
     A unique consulting solution
     Dramatic cost savings
     A brief list of services available
When am I available
Where am I able to provide my services
Why would a person/business employ my services
How do you contact me

Some example solutions

My resume in  pdf (acrobat) or rtf (word) format

Who am I:  ^
Previous consultant and current network administrator who prides himself in efficiently and properly configuring equipment and assisting / training others in my field.

What do I provide: ^
A unique consulting solution ^

Because of the availability cheap high speed internet access lines, and the vast amount of free and commercial remote applications, the ability to telecommute to provide consulting services is more possible than ever before.  

I offer a unique, cost effective solution to small and large businesses alike by reducing the overhead of consulting services. 

By hiring me out to do work remotely for your business, you are able to eliminate the over head of some big ticket items such as air fair, hotel stays, meals, car rentals and the like which can very quickly add up and are, in almost all cases, billed to a client by other consulting firms. 

Note: Because of the location of my residence, on site work and face to face meetings occurring in the central Indiana area can be arranged for minimal or no additional cost. 
Dramatic cost savings ^

In my previous work as a network security consultant it was not uncommon at all to receive a call from a sales manager on a Friday afternoon asking me to ship out from Chicago on the coming Sunday to arrive in California for a one day engagement the coming Monday and then return that very same day. 

In the aforementioned case, due to last minute travel arrangements such as  air fair purchases and other expenses, it was not out of the ordinary to have 4,500$ worth of expenses tied to a 1,000$ consulting fee for a simple mornings worth of work. Just imagine, that's 4,500$ that could be otherwise spent on additional equipment, training, or whatever else your business needs require. 

Perhaps most frustrating of all for both my client and myself is that in most cases the consulting work performed was work that could have been easily accomplished remotely, possibly on the day the contract was signed, rather than waiting from Friday to Monday.

By taking advantage of the tools and solutions available today its just as easy to provide remote assistance to clients and eliminate much of the consulting over head that is just simply not necessary and pass those savings on to the client. 

A brief list of services available ^

Of course this is not a complete list, (please also see some example solutions as well) but to give you an example of some of the potential services I am capable of offering:

Basic network and software administrative tasks, such as updating firewall rules, mail systems, intrusion detection systems, configuring backups, applying security permissions, adding removing users, web page updates, etc, etc.

- Network configuration reviews.
- Network and security assessments and penetration tests.
- Scripting solutions to ease repetitive or difficult tasks for users or admins.

Pre-configuration of systems and services per a clients request, before shipment to the client, which provides a configured system upon receipt by the client.

- Software installations, upgrades and patching.
- Troubleshooting and diagnostics. 


When am I available: ^
It depends on your needs, I am available to work days, nights, and weekends and off business hours if needed. Basically whatever is most convenient for you, as long as the requested times do not conflict with current or prescheduled  clients needs, which is available upon contact. 


Where am I able to provide my services: ^
The short answer is, practically everywhere, but similarly to above, it depends on your needs and what you are looking for assistance with. To give some examples:


If you're looking for network design reviews and suggestions, you'll probably only need email, fax, or even FedEx to send me diagrams of your current layouts.


If you're looking into having me update a web page for you, I can make the necessary changes and upload them myself if you so please or, send you the files via email or even on a burned cdrom via FedEx for you to load on your web server yourself.


If you would like me to have a look at your email MTA (message transfer agent) such as postfix and make changes to filter unwanted spam, or malicious attachments, you'd probably only need to grant me administrative access via SSH or some such means. Alternatively you could send me the existing configuration files, which I could edit appropriately and return back to you (documented, of course) for you or your staff to edit the live configurations as they see fit. 


Because of the location of my residence, on site work and face to face meetings occurring in the central Indiana area can be arranged for minimal or no additional cost. 


Why would a person/business employ my services: ^

With all the hundreds of possible areas of specialization and varying types of network software and hardware in existence today its difficult to expect your current staff to have detailed knowledge of every particular bit of knowledge. 

Though Im not claiming to know everything there is about all things network related, I can say that I do have a welth of varying knowledge on a vast array of equipment, software packages, security, and most things relating to networking. In my past I have worked as a network administrator and network security consultant, which put me in direct contact and real world working situations with tiny companies ranging from only a handful of employees to corporations and institutions as large as GE (General Electric), Purdue University, Bloomberg, AFG (American Financial Group), and Conseco; to name just a few.

I believe that I am a skilled technical individual with good interpersonal skills who is capable of conveying ideas clearly and concisely. I work equally well in team and solitary projects and feel as though I am a valuable asset to those seeking to better their organization, as I feel those who have worked with me in the past would agree.

For some demonstrations and examples of sample work please feel free to review some sample solutions I have constructed in the past for previous employers and clients.


How do you contact me: ^
Simple... phone, fax, email or instant message.


Free and commercial remote applications and technologies: ^
- Cygwin suite
- KVM (keyboard video mouse) over IP (hardware solution) (many vendors)
- PC Anywhere 
- Remotely Anywhere
- RAS (remote access services) via dialup modems
- SSH & SFTP and its many clients and daemons both free and commercial (too many additional to list)
- Windows terminal services and Citrix


Some example solutions: ^
- Example #1 Firewall / router rule base / IDS (intrusion detection system) policy review / rewrite
- Example #2 Malicious / SPAM email filtering system
- Example #3 Network accessible fax server and / or Adobe Acrobat type PDF file generator
- Example #4 Squid http proxy server to transparently control internal users web surfing on varying levels
- Example #5 Remote monitoring / Video Conferencing system which works over the internet
- Assisting you with working remotely ; using some of the applications mentioned above you too could work from practically anywhere. 
- Network security assessment / review
- Write a perl script to automate user input for data loads and / or application testing