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*** Christine McQuisten ***
Christine McQuisten, going on the record of only being seen during XWF PPVs, being that damn good enough to only be allowed to wrestle once a month and not allowed to hold the championship belt. Christine McQuisten is picking her spot to make her impact, making her opponents thinks she's just a simple walkover. Both Jenna Jameson and Katrina Maige, infatuated with the other, wanting nothing to do with anyone else or concentrating on anyone else, it's obvious the two were made for each other. However this isn't a stupid Katrina or Jenna promo, this is an absolute perfection, Christine McQuisten promo. A promo that far excels in excellence than that of Jenna or Katrina. The scene now opens to Christine McQuisten standing backstage with rookie sensation of a reporter Josh Matthews, a true up and comer in the XWF interviewing department. Christine has on a tight red top and a pair of black tight jeans.

Josh: "Well Christine, you're definately on the notice of only appearing on XWF PPV broadcasts, and not coming out very successful like you build up on being. So Christine, how would you like to respond?"

Christine: "Josh, I'm picking my spot to react. I'm picking the perfect oppertunity to jump in and take what I know to be mine. I am Christine McQuisten, the worlds toughest bytch in the locker room. Katrina, Jenna, I let them have their little love fest long enough, then again I really don't know the extent of it, because I don't pay attention to either one of those worthless divas. Josh, leave it be at I'm picking the perfect time and place to start my dominance of the women's division and that time hath not come yet."

Josh: "How do you feel about Jenna Jameson, your thoughts on her I mean?"

Christine: "She has an ego problem if you ask me Josh, really she does. She seems to think just because she's held that women's championship a few times here in the XWF that she's some tough shit and she's the top bytch to beat, but quite frankly in my book she's next to nothing. Jenna's ego needs a reality check and I'm the one to give it to her. I've held numerous women's championships, I'm picking my place Josh, Jenna doesn't have anything over me, or on me."

Josh: "She has XWF experience, she's been around the XWF longer than you have."

Christine: "Quite frankly Josh, that only means she's limited in what she knows. In that ring she knows what an XWF diva can bring, I know what XPW, NWA:TNA, EWF, ACW, UWF, IWF, CMF, I know a lot more than Jenna will ever know about wrestling in this industry. I've wrestled th best and come out on top, but why are we stuck on Jenna when Katrina is the champion?"

Josh: "Well she was the champion before Katrina and she is competition in the women's division."

Christine: "Doesn't matter who my competition is, it matters who's the current champion, which is Katrina. Who right now is the woman to beat for the belt I desire more than anything. The time isn't right though, Josh, it's not time yet for me to shed my dominance upon the XWF. Oh no, it's not even close to time yet."

Josh: "What about at Anarchy in the UK?"

Christine: "You know Josh, that's not a bad idea you have. Anarchy In The UK might just be the time that I, Christine McQuisten chose to shed the dominance I possess and win that women's title, but you know I want to do it McQuisten style. I want to do it the way myself and Foxy always did it in the past and that's with the odds stacked against me."

Josh: "I'm sorry Christine, I'm not following? What do you mean the odds stacked against you? What kind of match are you talking about going into?"

Christine: "None other than a handicap match! Jenna Jameson and Katrina Maige in one corner and I, Christine McQuisten in the opposite corner, rearing to go into the heat of battle to walkout the new and most dominant women's champion the XWF has ever seen since... EVER!"

Josh: "What about Torrie Wilson? She's Grand Slam Champion!"

Christine: "She's just now grand slam champion, Josh! It took her from the start of the XWF until now to accomplish every single last belt this fed has gone through! Torrie has nothing on me and if she was standing right her in front of me I'd slap the taste right out of that blonde hair covered head of hers! Torrie gets all this fame for nothing, she hasn't worked half as hard as I have! She won't admit it, because I know her type, but she's nothing! She knows she's had it all handed to her on a silver platter! You can call me envious, jealous, filled with vengeance, I don't care, the point is she's unworthy to be called a Grand Slam Champion, she's nothing! Not one single XWF diva I've seen is anything! They are all a bunch of nothings who don't even have enough class to be in the wrestling industry!"

Josh: "Those are some pretty strong words to such an amazing diva, Christine, are you sure you mean all that?"

Christine: "You're darn right I do, Josh! Torrie, Jenna, Jadyn, Katrina, whoever else I missed, they're not worthy of being in the same division as me and at Anarchy in the UK, I'm going to prove it by stepping into that ring and winning the women's championship in a handicap match against a former and the current women's champion! I excel in matches that the odds are stacked up against me, you watch me fly high, go big at Anarchy in the UK!"

Josh: "You seem... Sound different then when we last had an interview, Christine."

Christine: "I may sound different, but I'm still the same psychotic bytch I've always been. The words change, but the bytch always stays the same, Quoth Christine McQuisten."

Before Josh can ask another question, or make another remark, Christine walks by him to her bright red mazda. Christine gets in and drives off.

Scene II

Christine pulls into her hotel in her bright red Mazda. Christine steps out and is immediately rushed by two teenagers, one male and the other female.

Christine: (surprised) "Why hello, fans of my work?"

Teenage Girl: "I am, he's not! He likes Katrina and Jenna because of what they're doing right now."

Christine: "Making a mockery of the business I love to be apart of?" (she nods) "He's a guy, don't hold it against him. Guys can't help their male urges."

T.G.: "Yeah, you're right, they are so simple minded." (laughs with Christine)

Teenage Boy: "HEY! I'm happy being simple minded! It's a lot easier to live life!"

T.G.: "Ignore him, but ya think I coud get your autograph?"

Christine: "Sure, but I don't have any photos here with me, so if you and your friend come up to my hotel room with me, then I'll get one from my bag, I keep the envelope in there."

T.G.: "Cool, how much you charge?"

Christine: "I don't charge for autographed photos, only t-shirts and other merchandise."

T.G.: "Thanks!"

Christine: "Don't mention it, anything for a fan." (she smiles)

Christine walks into the hotel with her female fan and her male friend.

Scene III

Christine and her fan get up to her hotel room as Christine enters and soon comes out with an envelope. She pulls out a picture and looks at her fan.

Christine: "And who should I make it out to?"

T.G.: "Kammi Biel."

Christine signs it for Kammi and hands it to her.

Christine: "And for you mister?"

T.B.: "Name's Tom Hule."

Christine signs another photo for Tom and hands it to him. Christine and Kammi hug as Kammi then drags Tom back to their room, Christine looks at the two of them walking down the hallway of the hotel for a second then walks into her hotel room, closing and locking the door behind her.