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This is a league where straight , realistic, traditional football is played.


Violations include:

-Defensive players on offense and offensive players on defense. Special teams do not apply.

-Dropping back 15 yards to hurl a pass and hitting the WR on a comeback 10 yards in shotgun

-Dropping defensive linemen into coverage before the snap.

-Any movement of defensive linemen before the snap

-Running excessive no huddle ball when you arent down / and have plenty of time

-no motioning a wr in 4 or more wide reciever sets.

_Running excessive hb in motion

-Running excessive 5 wide

-Running excessive shotgun
(whatch the corner threat plays,try not to use them.anyone can sit back and run that play all day)

-no moving the lbs.

No using 3/4 0lb blitzs .(the play)

-Any discovered or undiscovered infringement of the game AI to gain an unfair advantage

-Bad sportsmanship i.e.; bad mouthing your opponent after a loss...due to game discrepancies. Failing to report game differences the Commish...and using the forums to vent your differences.

-Conduct that would reflect badly on the members of this league as to our standard of play, both within the league and outside of the league.

-Going for a fourth down conversion in any quarter unless you are down bye 14.

-You can only control defensive linemen on field goals and extra point attempts. This is due to the opponent being able to see the kick meter and timing the snap... this allows for easy blocks of extra point attempts and field goals.

-If you control your SS/FS/CB you cant move them to a position on the field and then take control of another player. Which means you must control that player until after the snap of the ball.

_No subbing of #1 or #2 WR in the slot

- No Using the Goto Feature In Madden when picking plays

The key is dont do anything that your opponents cant adjust to because of the limitations of the game. If it isnt done in the NFL as a normal part of playing the game and normal coaching strategies then dont do it in the MCFL

Some of this stuff goes without saying. You all know how to play straight ball, so play it. If you feel someone is cheesing you or you want to protest your game, inform your opponent that you are protesting and do not report the game to the server until notified by the league of their findings. . A lot of cheese arguments are he said / he said bull. We will be the final arbiters in all decisions of what is cheese and what is not. Dont like my assessment? Leave the league or Ill replace you. As in the NFL GMs and Coaches are held liable for their actions and or lack of their actions. The punitive action is like a warning meaning Im not here to punish Im here just like you to have fun and manage my team/league. Coaches that have several punitive/disciplinary actions taken against them will be replaced. Im not willing to spend time on things of this nature positive energy wasted on negative action is not what Im looking for in the MCFL