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Updates:  (25 January)   New layout! Isn't it much prettier? Anyway, I'm certainly hoping to expand this site more in the future, as soon as I get some more spare time. I know, lousy excuse. But anyway... Enjoy and have fun staring at the pretty Riku. =)

My Profile (Mariku-Chan)

-click my avi to view my profile-

 Hello and welcome to the part of my site reserved for everything of mine from Gaia Online!

I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun navigating. You might even find a few guilds worth joining. ^.~


My Claiming Guilds

My Interest Guilds

My RP/ Organization Guilds

Stuff I've Bought (i.e. custom avis, etc.)

Yuugiou Duelist Island site


(Page typeset in Curlz MT and Arial.)

(Music - "Simple and Clean" by Hikaru Utada)