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Precious Baby 










Hey there little people! welcome to my homepage! well have fun and look around and before you leave, please stop by my guest book and leave me a little note! thank you and come back for more updates!





Alias: MaRiEe 

Birthday: July 27 

Age: Sweet 16 

Residing: new Orleans,Louisiana 

Height: standing at 5`2 

Nationality: pure viet baby 

Sex: tsk tsk still too young... girlie girl 










to the world, your just one person but to one person, you could mean the world. I am only one, But still I am one. 


I cannot do everything, But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.











well i hate for you to leave so soon but this is the end of my page! hope you enjoyed your visit and and stop by my guest book and leave me a little note and i'll return the favor as soon as possible! thanks and much love! one love sweets!