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Marie's Blog
What's New?
o.k. so it has been over a month since I have posted anything. So much for starting a blog *sigh*

So what's new??

Moved into a new rental house on 9/25

I had my son on 10/1. Birth didn't go exactly as planned, but alas that is how births are.

Trying to Potty train my 3 year old. I must say this is the hardest parenting that I have had to face thus far in my 3 years of being a mother. Who would have known that going to the bathroom on a toilet would be such a big deal? We have tried everything we know of to get her to go to the potty. She is definitely ready to be trained she is just too lazy to go. We started off as just going with the flow. 6 months later she still isn't potty trained. I decided to wait until after Christopher was born. She was doing great about going on the potty but she insisted on having a diaper on for #2.

So finally Christopher is born, and I get semi settled into a routine and start trying to get her potty trained. Finally after sitting in the bathroom with her for an hour or so I get her to go #2 on the potty. She gets really excited and we call the grandparents and aunt stoshy(stosha). I figure we have finally made some success and she will be potty trained except for at bedtime/naptime. WRONG! She has went #2, 3 times since then. 1nd time in her diaper. The second half in the potty, and half in her diaper. Tonight in her panties. So we had tried taking her movies away from her before as punishment for pottying in her panties. That didn't work. So tonight we graduated to more drastic not so nice punishment. She now gets all priviledges taken away for the rest of the day when she potties in her panties. She got two swats on the butt for pottying in her panties tonight. The new punishment seems to work because she actually came to us and told us she had to potty. No coaxing. My fingers are crossed and I hope this sticks.

In good news I went to my 6 week post partdum check up and I am 10lbs lighter than I was pre pregnancy. Yay ME! Now I have the dr's approval to go back to the gym so no more excuses. Guess I need to get back in the habit.

Posted by ex/marie-n-alexis at 9:27 PM CST
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4 More Weeks of Hell
Mood:  irritated
Well I must confess that this pregnancy is going faster that I could have imagined. However, now that I have only 4 weeks to go each day is going by VERY SLOW. Add to the fact that I rarely get a full nights sleep, I am just ready for this kid to be here. Then again, I am afraid at the same time that he won't wait, and will decide to come at the most inconvenient time possible. Example: My guess is he will decide to make his appearance the day we are moving to our new rental house. Christopher is due 10/6/04. We are moving into the new house starting 9/25/04. So this is just my guess. Man do I hope I am wrong, but I guess only time will tell the answer to that.

Good News is that we have finally sold our house! Yep after 2 years of having two house payments we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have almost gotten rid of the Rentor from Hell. She still owes us a garage door opener, and some drip pans for our stove, but other than that we are done with her. Oh I must not forget that we also owe her what is left of her deposit. Anyway we are going to try and close with the new buyers on 9/24/04. Yep that is just one day before we start moving into our new rental house. I must say that I am quite surprised that we got lucky enough for our house to get an offer and sell in less than a week of being on the market. I guess everyone catches a break sometime.

Posted by ex/marie-n-alexis at 9:28 AM CDT
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