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Q. Must I go around the board once before purchasing property?

A. No, You may begin purchasing property with the first available property you land on.

Q. May I collect rent while in Jail?

A. Yes, you may collect rent and conduct business as usual while in jail.

Q. Do I get any money for landing on Free Parking?

A. No, If you land on Free Parking, you receive no money, property, or reward of any kind.

Q. If I own all the properties of one color group, may I put three houses on only one property?

A. No, Remember to build evenly at all times. You may not put more than one house on any property of a color group until each property of that group has at least one house on it.

Q. Must I wait until my turn to buy houses and hotels?

A. No, You may transact business, such as buying and selling houses, any time on your turn or between moves by other players.

Q. May I mortgage a piece of property to buy other properties, houses, or hotels?

A. Yes, You may mortgage property to buy houses, hotels, or others properties of any color group.

Q. Are deals allowed between players?

A. Yes, Unimproved properties, railroads, and utilities (but not buildings) may be sold to any player as a private transaction, for any amount that the owner can get.

Q. May I borrow money from another player?

A. No, you may only borrow money from the Bank.

Q. Why does my set only have 32 houses?

A. To maintain a balance in the game, there have always been exactly 32 houses and 12 hotels in the Monopoly game. If it was possible to improve all properties, it would be difficult to force opponents into bankruptcy.

Q. What if the Bank runs out of money?

A. Some players think the Bank is bankrupt if it runs out of money. The Bank never goes bankrupt. To continue playing, use slips of paper to keep track of each player's banking transactions, until the bank has enough paper money to operate again. The Banker may also issue "new" money on slips of ordinary paper.

Q. May I make my own rules?

A. Some people play the Monopoly game according to what are called "house rules". A common example is placing Luxury Tax money on Free Parking. The official Parker Brothers rules, which are followed in tournament play, do not allow for such variations.

Common points related to mortgaging.

Even after one or two lots of a complete color group have been mortgaged, you may still collect double rent on the unmortgaged lots of that group.

Example, If you own all four railroads and mortgage one or more of them, you may still collect $200 rent when an opponent lands on one of the unmortgaged railroads.