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' holla if ya hear me '

Information : Role-Play Number - 01        Record - W : 000 - D : 000 - L : 000

Achievements : None As Of Yet      Next Match : Steiner Vs Storm Vs Richards

**ppl who have been beaten**

\\,,// Foward \\,,// There is a man of epic perportion, a man that every federation would love to have as there property, a man with the largest arms in the world, a man who has the Peeks and the Freaks, yes ladies and gentleman that man is Scott Steiner!!! he has made his return to wrestling and he has made it with the best fedeation in the world E.W.A,what are Seiners plans for the E.W.A? The last time we saw Steiner in the ring on live T.V was when he got defeated by Booker-T in the night of Champions wCw's last show, is Steiner is better wrestling condition? only time will tell if Steiner can cut it here i nthe E.W.A, and if he can rise to the top and hold the E.W.A heavey Weight title!!! \\,,//End - Foward\\,,//

\\,,// Scene \\,,// The E.W.A cameras are in the parking lot to get a view of E.W.A latest hot property Scott Steiner, just as the camera starts to roll a limo pulls up and it comes to a hault and the driver gets out and he walks back to the sixth door and he opens it to reveal a man in a grey skin tight shirt and black jeans, yes indeed it is Scott Steiner but he is on the phone, but with who?

[[ Freak Zillah Scott Steiner ]] Yeah thats what i said...yea...NO you listen here Jack i did not come all the dam way from New York to be stood up.. yeah i know that...i know the plan..but you better be her ei nthe next 45 minutes man i am not even kidding....yeah or me and you are gonna do some talking and it aint gonna be verbal Jack you got me!!!

Steiner hang up his cell phone and he puts it in his pocket he then pulls on his beard and looks around, as he does this he has a smile on his face he walks into the arena and he walks down the hallway and he passes a man who works for the E.W.A.

[[ Freak Zillah Scott Steiner ]] Excuse me

The man keeps on doing his job and ignores Steiner

[[ Freak Zillah Scott Steiner ]] Excuse me( Steiner taps him on the back )

[[ The Man who ignored Steiner ]] How may i help you?

[[ Freak Zillah Scott Steiner ]] Well hoochie first off if you ignore me again i will crush your head, Now which way is it to EzE's office?

[[ The Man who ignored Steiner ]] Depends on whos asking? who might you be?

[[ Freak Zillah Scott Steiner ]] your kidding me right? well you better be i am Scott Steiner and i have a 12:30 appoitment with Eric now where the hell is his office!!

[[ The Man who ignored Steiner ]] Ok Mr Steiner we have heard good things about you.

[[ Freak Zillah Scott Steiner ]] Of course you have i am Freak Zillah

[[ The Man who ignored Steiner ]] Mr Bishoff's office is the last door on the right if you walk down there i will tell him your on your way.

[[ Freak Zillah Scott Steiner ]] You do that

Steiner walks down the hallway and he walks right into EzE's office without even knocking.

[[ wCw's Old Owner EzE ]] Wow!! you have gotten big, but dont you believe in knocking? i mean i could have been on the phone tlaking to someone or someone could have been in here...

[[ Freak Zillah Scott Steiner ]] Or you could have been playing with yourself..Eric i am here to find out what match you put me in on RESISTANCE?

[[ wCw's Old Owner EzE ]] i put you in a Triple Threat match with Lance Storm and Steven Richards.

[[ Freak Zillah Scott Steiner ]] Keep your dam eyes on that T.V there jack because i am going to address to hoochies that you are gonna have to benefits to.

Steiner walks right out of Erics office leaving eric with a stunned look on his face wondering whats Steiner is gonna do as the E.W.A cuts to a Commercal Break.

Commercal break

Steiner is getting ready to walk to the stage when he is met by the coach and he asks for and interview Steiner nods his head and they begin.

[[Annoying one The Coach]] Alright, well Scott we all cant wait for you to be back at the Resistance arena! Well how are you feeling right now?

[[ Freak Zillah Scott Steiner ]] Well Coach, i just cant wait to finally get back in the ring this monday night! But i dont give a damn what the hell goes ahead! I would care if i suffer an injury or not! if its a brouse, A broken Leg, Or a Broken arm, Hell i would still get back on my two feet and be apart of that match on Resistance! Do you realize how inportant this match is to me Coach? it gives me my chance of once again getting to the top here in the E.W.A! But Storm and Richards dont deserve to be in the ring with me as far as im conserned! they think that they gonna cheat to get to the top here, well theres not a chance in hell they gonna do that Coach! Cos i myself will have to stop them if i have to! i will finish this hair ball off on Resistance if i have to!i am not afaird to break someone in half here coach They both know that they will never be a Superstar like i am today! But if these two wanna continue to play games with me, then thats fine! but there gonna be the ones thats gonna suffer what happens to them next! Because Coach, you yourself know that i aint the type of guy to piss around with right!? Exactly! But Storm and Richards have no idea what im like and what im capible of doing! I have beaten alot of great superstars in my long Career... But here in the E.W.A Theres even more bigger stars to knock down! But on Resistance this week... All there is to do is Beat Both of these Superstars and i will prove that i can this week.

for some reaosn after saying that Steiner just walks away as the E.W.A camera cuts to a commerical break.

Commercal break

As the Camera re-opens it is panning the crowd of the E.W.A then the little E.W.A logo drops to the bottom of the screen's all over the world. Then as the crowd starts to settle down they hear "Holler If You Hear Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" the crowd is on there feet then the Sirens hit and out from behind the curtain walks Steiner he stops and extends his arms they are HUGE, he then prceeds to walk down the ramp as he passes fans as they try and touch him he keeps on walking he reaches the end of the ramp and he makes a left turn and walks up the medal stairs and he stepes between the second and third rope he walks to the middle of the ring and raises his arms in the air the crowd has a mixture of boo's and cheers for Steiner he then puts down his arms and walks over and gets a mic as his music dies out he beings to speak.

[[ Freak Zillah Scott Steiner ]] Well it looks like the Big Bad Booty Daddy is back, and i am not gonna sit out here and waste time i am gonna get right down to a couple of points i have to make, the first oe i am gonna mke has to do with the quesion on everyones mind " Why E.W.A Steiner?" Well there is alot of Freaks out there that say i am to good for the E.W.A that may be so BUT the reason i came to E.W.A was the amount of Zero's on my chegue at the end of the week, now i am not here to make friends i am here to get the dam job done that i am paid to do and thats to beat alot of asses!!! now alot of people have came up to me on the street and said to me "Steiner you are in a Triple threat match" and you know what i said like i care, hell Eric could put me in a match with 30 men and it would not matter, because i am the Genetic Freak and of all the people he could have put with he put me with Lance Storm and Steven Richards. Now i will start with Lance StormThis ring right here belongs to me Storm, back in the day of wCw you might of had three titles and you gave them up because you could not be beat well, let me tell you something Jack you never entered the ring with me!! back in the days of wCw i had the biggest title in the game today, i was defending that title all the time and i was never beat until the last live event of wCw. Now Storm you are gonna come to this ring on the night we fight and you are gonna TRY and pull some crppy moves you learnt in the dungon from Stu Hart well i say bring those shitty moves Hoochie because those moves wont be able to save you from the Steiner Recilner, so i hope when you walk down that ramp and you get in this ring, i hope you have some sort of way or plan to win because once i get my hand on you you are finished i am gonna throw you around like a rag doll, i will suplex you till you can not stand Storm i have not even been in the ring with you and i hate you already, why because you stand in my way to something that emans everything to me and that is the E.W.A Heavey Weight title. And when you get in my wya you are like a pilon and i am a mac truck and i have nothign else to do but run you down!!! Now onto my second order of business Steven Richards hahaha this guy makes me laugh i mean he ran the Right to sensor i mean this guy can not wrestle himself out of a wet paper bag this guy is just a dumb piece of shit, Now i feel sorry for you Richards you and Storm have to feel the unbelievable power of Freak Zillah

Now before i leave this dam ring i want say my last words to Storm and Richards before Resistance! ! Im gonna take you back to school! Cos thats where you still think you are right... Well when me and you two men will stand toe to toe in the ring i just want you to pretend, that the ring is your class room! But this time, its gonna be a hell lot diffrent from when you was at school 12 years ago! Your gonna be lucky that you dont walk out with a snapped Neck Cos when your stuck in the Steiner Recliner then thats it! Thats it, all over, There will be nothing left for you to do! Apart from one thing, and thats to tap out! But Richards, i aint gonna pull your head back a little to hard! But if you still manage to hang on in there, then im afraid that im gonna have to pull it back so hard that you will be screaming in pain! Almost crying in the middle of the ring infront of all ma Freaks! So if you get put out of action for a few weeks or even months, then dont blame me! Because your the one that wants the damn match! Look, im gonna give you an option right now Ok! So make sure your listening Kid! You can either face me tonigth and get your ass kicked and your neck snapped and be put out of action, or you can go ito Bischoffs Office, get on your knees and beg him not to let the match take place! There! Ive gave you your choice... So make sure you think carefully Kid!   >