"~Love Quiz~"
Answer the following questions honestly!

Q:  What Is Your Full Name?

Q:  Date Of Birth?

Q:  Name Of Current Crush

Q:  Name Of First Crush

Q:  How Many Girlfriends/Boyfriends Have You Had?

Q:  How Often Do You View Pornographic Material?

Q:  Have You Ever Been Attracted To An Individual Of The Same Sex?

Q:  What Turns You On The Most About Someone (Personality, Looks, etc.)?

Q:  Does Size Matter?

Q:  How Many G/F or B/F Have You Had In The Past Year?

Q:  How Many Of Those Have Dumped You (Not You Dumping Them)?

Q:  What Is The Farthest Base You Have Ever Gotten To (Be Truthful)?

Q:  What Would Your Dream Date Be? (ex. Movies)

Q:  Funniest Person You Know?

Q:  How Often Do You Masturbate?

Q:  Favorite Color?

Q:  Favorite Animal?

Q:  Your Sex?