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Mad Love

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For those who just can't let go

You thought it would be easy. Out of sight, out of mind....You never knew a heart could hold so much pain until now. Your friends are tired of listening to all the grief and complaining. But no matter what you do, or how hard you try, you just can't seem to stop thinking and talking about your ex.

This site is designed for those who can relate to this scenario. For those who need to just let it all out; all the emotions that feel trapped inside. Sometimes you just need comfort and/or advice from someone you don't know, but yet can understand what you're going through.

I was in a 2 year relationship with a guy i fell in love with at first sight. I knew at that first glance that he would be mine, for a long, long time. I even told myself after the first year, that he was THE ONE. We actually discussed what kind of family we wanted. How many kids, and where we would get married, etc....I found the love of my life, my soul mate. Something that started as a teenage puppy love, turned into a full bloom adult romance. Something that, in my mind, would never end. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse. And on January 15, 2003, we broke up. I haven't seen him since. We haven't spoken either. I still find myself being slapped in the face by reality. Reminding myself over and over for the first time, that we are no longer together. The feeling never changes.....