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I'd lost my interest in 'Lizzie McGuire'. I still watch it almost every night, and love love love love LOVE the show, but I'd grown past the obsessive stage. This website will reopen because I realized I need someting to do with my time. I'm still passionate about Lizzie/Gordo, along with the whole 'Lizzie McGuire' franchise, but I started High School when this site stopped being updated as much. A lot has been going on in my life. I'm 16 now, I was 13 when I opened this site. But don't fret. The site will be opened soon. I would love it if anyone with any intrest in doing anything for this site would e-mail me. If I am to reopen the site, I'm going to need media. Videos, pictures, fanart, fanfiction, all of it. I will also be looking for Co-webs soon. The site will reopen within the next month. I'm going on Spring Break, and next week is our standardized testing. But my laptop is getting fixed before Spring Break, so when I come home April 2nd, that's when the real work on the site can start. Once again, please e-mail me ( if you have any interest. I am going to need help. Thanks so much everyone!

xoxo*Tracy <3


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Site designed, managed, and created by: Tracy

Visitors since May 9, 2003: