caliout182: do you like tbs?
loveXXlost: fuck no?
caliout182: what why not??
loveXXlost: they are quite possibly the worst band ever?
caliout182: never really you think that?
loveXXlost: YES! Me and the rest of the stabled minded world?
caliout182: why??
caliout182: i'm curious
loveXXlost: They are horrible! Their sceaming is just...uugh. I saw them live- the singer just holds the mic to the audience. they just are so unnoriginal.
loveXXlostThey're so overrated, too.
caliout182: they are so original i mean your opinion is as good as anyones...there lyrics are so well wrote and there vocals over vocals are like sunny day meets embrace
loveXXlost: Everyone makes such a big deal out of them. They SO don't deserve it.
loveXXlost: There lyrics are well wrote...whatever. I can write shit like that.
loveXXlost: If you want good lyrics, try saetia.
caliout182: people make a big deal cuz maybe they like them write just like some paople like other bands
loveXXlost: Huh?!?
loveXXlost: You lost me.
caliout182: i ment people that like a certain band tend to say " there great" and they my opinion i just hate when people think a band suks cuz people like them or there populaur not that thats what your opinion is based on
caliout182: how bout my chemical romance?
loveXXlost: My opinin is based on how much they suck, fucker. They are HORRIBLE!
caliout182: by the way "your own disaster" is like the best wrote song there is and i'm not dissing your opinion for real i was just asking and doin a little sayin i was not starting some dum i know punk you don't convo like yahoo chat rooms i was just askin
caliout182: *sorry*
loveXXlost: What the hell are you trying to say? You make absolutely NO sense. Are you even literate?
caliout182: my gpa would say yes i am
caliout182: so i guess so
loveXXlost: Then act it.

Oh, but it gets better:

caliout182: what this isn't bout me its bout you you prob to ten of my bands shows and drewled all over the fact that you could be in of feet of me....and prob got tbs cds out the wrong should of just been like i don't like them thats time you go c keepsake don't look at me...
loveXXlost: WHAT??
caliout182: vuz i know we kick ass
caliout182: cuz
loveXXlost: WHo are you?
caliout182: fuck that you put me down drown in "paper cuts and broken hearts" i was tryin to have a convo with maybe a logical chic not some genre ass
loveXXlost: What are you talking about??
loveXXlostt: Listen, motherfucker, you asked for my opinion- I gave it to you.
caliout182: just come see us sometime i'll say hi if where in jersey well if i knew your name but yeah
loveXXlost: WHo the fuck are you?
caliout182: told you
loveXXlost: No you didn't.
caliout182: yes
loveXXlost: Tell me agian then.
caliout182: haha
caliout182: funny
loveXXlost: What is?
loveXXlost: Please, amuse me.
caliout182: remember the in a band thing me saying you stared at me lol
loveXXlost: Nope. I have NO clue about what you are talking about. I don't even remember TALKING to you before.
caliout182: you ever been to a keepsake show
loveXXlost: Umm. no
. caliout182: well not yet..then i'll im you after you have been so we can talk about the staring thing
loveXXlost: What??????
loveXXlost: Am I supossed to think your attractive or soemthing? Is that what you are trying to say?
caliout182: what you don't like keepsake either
caliout182: damn we suck
loveXXlost: No, I like hardcore/ posthardcore, fucker.
caliout182: o and what are we pop
caliout182: we blew sick of it all and fury of five and jersey bloodline off the stage and they invented hardcore
caliout182: we rule
loveXXlost: Who is "we"?
loveXXlost: Give me a fucking name.
caliout182: keepsake,far from falling,my chemical romance
loveXXlost: Are you sayig you're in one of those bands, or are you representing a genre?
caliout182: one of those bands
loveXXlost: Who?
loveXXlost: Give me a name.
caliout182: told you you'll find out and don't talk like this to adam cuz the next tbs song will be bout you...i know he likes surfin the net and damn youd make him hurt
loveXXlost: Ok, who are you? Next, how do you know about me? Third, if you're going to write a song about some girl on the Internet, oh shit, you're lonely.
caliout182: lonely no interacting with fans is more like it....were just like you but in a band that got some breaks
loveXXlost: Hahaha, fans? Whatever. Why won't you tell me who you are? Shit, you're probably some fat 12 year old.
caliout182: go to warped tour in asbury when adams on the mic i'll tell him to say hi...
loveXXlost: Umm. I live in Ohio. I don't knowwhere the fuck Asbury is!
caliout182: no i 'm so not fat damn girly you are a ruff one
caliout182: come to pittsburg then
loveXXlost: Who are you? Give me your name.
caliout182: Chris but the guys call me cali,something bout myhair i dunno
loveXXlost: Chris what?
loveXXlost: And what bands are you supossivly in?
caliout182: haha
caliout182: no you mean what band am i in...damn you hurt
loveXXlost: You said you were in a band, yet you've never told me.
caliout182: you'd like to know and you know its not keepsake cuz you know them prob right if not oops wrong person
loveXXlost: What the fuck?!? I don't know them. I don't know you either.
caliout182: oops sorry there diks they set me up
loveXXlost: WHAT?
caliout182: come to a show sometime and say hi just tell us bout this we'll remeber ya
loveXXlost: Who are you motherfucker????
caliout182: told ya
loveXXlost: No you haven't. You've been bullshitting your way aroud it.
caliout182: Chris....remeber that
loveXXlost: What band?
caliout182: the best one
loveXXlost: HAHAHAHA. I hate them all.
caliout182: you ever heard of leftout?
loveXXlost: No
caliout182: i was once in that band
caliout182: and 5 for 45
caliout182: transgression
caliout182: pro pain
caliout182: lick
loveXXlost: Hahahahahahahaha. Your not even in any of them. Motherfucker, you're a sad lonely bastard.
caliout182: far from falling
caliout182: your right i'm not
caliout182: wait your wrong
loveXXlost: What?
caliout182: yup yup
loveXXlost: whatever. i'm not amused w/ you anymore. go die.
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