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The Lid

Yet another Sean Downey experience. These are the songs of me and my friends.
Some were too good for a band, others were for school.
The whole album is free, so enjoy.

All Mp3's are 128kbps and recorded at V Studios in DesMoines, Wa.

1 - Hi, Good Morning - A Welcomming song done by me and Adam (Vidooch). He does the bass, i did the keyboard and recorder. We both talk in it, but he's the "HI!"

2 - Inventions of our World - Megan (Until No End) made this song for history class. She did the vocals and bass, i filled in the rest.

3 - Smoral Port - done by me on keyboards, Ashley on guitar, Colby on vocals, and Megan on the drums.

4 - Arangement Xero - A cool song done by me and Matty (Untill No End). It was done with one keyboard, Liam (Vidooch) hits the keys every now and then.

5 - E O A - A strange laughter composition done by me and my old school friends, Erin, Britney and Emily.

6 - Hello Ring - A fun song done by me and Liam. I'm on the drums and noises, liam did the guitars :)

7 - Running Emotions - A good song done by me and Adam. Adam does bass, we talk, and I filled in the rest.

8 - Hush'd Be the Camps Today - A song I made for my English Class. It's an interpretation of a Walt Whitman poem. The Lyrics can be found here.

9 - Star Wars Rules - Well, your just gonna have to figure it out yourself. me and Liam made this a while ago, but it was much slower. Episode George Lukas.

The Lid is cortesy of Endless Rain Records